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Crafts I Should Use


craft examples
1. Good Beginnings

o Weather
o The sky was clear and blue the morning I lost my
o It was raining so hard that I was afraid to step out
of the door.
o The snow was piled up so high against the front
door that we almost couldnt get out to shovel
that day.
o Dialogue
o Stop it! I screamed as I pulled my hand away
from my little brother, Sam.
o Where are we going, Mama? I asked as we all
got into the car.
o Action
o I slowly opened the door to my room and walked
o I ran, and ran, and ran, throwing my kite as high
as I could into the air.
woke up to the sound of my alarm screaming at
2. Show, Now Tell
o I walked slowly, slowly, slowly down the hall
toward the classroom. I was biting my lip and
gripping my moms hand very hard. What would
it be like? (This shows that the character is
nervous by what she does, but does not say she
was nervous.)
3. Dialogue
(Characters Talking)
o Are we going to the party? I asked.
o Im not feeling very well, Todd whispered.
o That one is mine! Abby cried, as loud as she
(Use this to have the
readers say it loudly
or know that it is
very important)
o HELP! she screamed.
o It was the most BEAUTIFUL thing he had every
o The cake was HUGE and had GIGANTIC
o YIKES! What is that sound?
5. Exclamation Points
(Shout marks!!!
Readers will see they
should shout this
sentence or say it
with great strength)
o Stop!!!
o My little brother is the most annoying baby!
o It was the very BEST day of my whole life!!!
o Get out of the way!!! I screamed as my bike flew
toward the crowd of kids. I cant stop!!!
6. Ellipses ()
(Tells the reader to
pause at this spot.
This builds tension)
o I opened the box. The lid screeched as I lifted it
slowly. Then
o There were loud, crashing footsteps coming down
the hall. Then the doorknob began to turn
7. D-A-S-H-E-S
(Tells the reader to s-
t-r-e-t-c-h out the
word when it is read)
o N-I-C-K-Y, N-I-C-K-Y!!! Where are you?
o I w-a-l-k-e-d as s-l-o-w-l-y as I could. If I went s-
l-o-w-l-y maybe I would be too late.
o Y-A-H-O-O!!! No homework tonight! I shouted.
8. Sensory Details
Using the 5 Senses:
o Sight
o Hearing
o Taste
o Touch / Feeling
o Smell
o The icy rain felt like tiny needles as it fell on my
cold skin. As it hit the sidewalk, I could hear a
tink, tink, tink sound.
o The pizza was gooey and cheesy. As I took a big
bite, the cheese stretched out in tasty, delicious
strings of goodness.
o As I worked in the garden, I smelled the sweet
scents of all the lovely flowers. They reminded me
of the big box of Crayolas. There were fiery
golden yellow ones, soft rosy pink ones, bright,
blood red ones, and plain and simple white one
that looked like a clean puffy cloud in the sky.
9. Internal Thinking
(This shows what the
character is saying to
him/herself inside
his/her head)
o I was thinking, how can this be happening to me?
I know I put that homework in my backpack.
o Where was my mother? She said she would pick
me up. Did she forget me? I kept thinking about
what I should do next.
10. Good Ending
o I learned that even little kids can make a
o That was the most fun I ever had playing with my
little brother.
o My parents and I laughed and laughed. What a
great day!

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