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NiaFrisbyMonday,December16,19652pages $1.00

It has been a victory for equality!
Recently the legislative branch of the
government has finally taken notice to
the Civil Rights Movement, by passing
the Voting Rights Act, and the
Immigrations & Nationality Services of

The Voting Rights Act ensures that

everybody no matter what their skin
color is can vote, and that their votes are
protected from racists people. While the
Voting Rights Act does that the
Immigration & Nationality allows
people of all ethnicity into the United
States of America. Though this victory is
sweet tasting, it hasnt been without loss.
Well known African American Muslim
minister and human right activists ,
Malcolm X was was assassinated at the
age of 39. X was preparing to address
the Organization of the AfroAmerican
unity. This is a bittersweet victory that

1 $


TULSA, Oklahoma The rumble

was on! At seven oclock at night
the tension between the Socs, and
the Greasers finally came to a head
as the two sides stood opposite of
each other in an vacant lot. The
greasers accompanied by the
Shepard gang, and the Brumly Boys
stood tall, lean, and fierce, while the
Socs stood proud, clean cut, and
muscular. The rumble began with
Darry Curtis, and Paul Holden
circling one another waiting for
someone to make the first hit, but in
the midst of this Dally Winston
showed up distracting the eldest
Curtis brother enough for Holden to
get a hit on him, and the brawl had
The two groups not only separated
by money and power but, also
emotions always had bad blood
between them. Only now had it
intensified when a greaser by the
name of Johnny Cade killed a well
known Soc Robert Sheldon, better
known as Bob. Since then the attack
rates on Greasers have seemed to go
up, and now no one walks alone.
There have been a number of fights
that have become so brutal that even
the toughest of the tough have
resulted to carrying heat. Some
civilians have even reported seeing
war councils over the city. A late
night walker who witnessed the

A couple days after the rumble

everything seemed to settle, and there
appeared to be less attacks against the
greasers. Every once in awhile theres
always a Soc who test the agreements
to the rumble, but everything seemed
to be peaceful. With deaths on each
side it is believed that everything has
been put in perspective with the loss of
each person. Nobodys life was worth
Right now were just trying to get
through one day at a time, we just lost
two brothers in one week. Now that
Johnnys dead everybodys calling him
a hero, but he was already a hero from
the beginning he just didnt turn all of a
sudden, so was Dally. You people
might just think of him as white trash
when he walked by, but Dally did more
than any of you could imagine. More
than any of you could do., Keith
Matthews, better known as Twobit

Blue pre owned Mustang $1, 00 6


Free love? Those two words have

been spreading like a wild fire all
around our nation lately impacting
everyone. The Free Love Movement
promotes sexual activity with several
different partners. Naturally this
caused a big uproar, because the
movement is geared more toward
women than men in a environment


Peace. As of late that has been a
word used to stop the U.S from
sending more troops into Vietnam. A
high proportion of our nation have
began protest, opposing our
involvement in the war. Reports
show this is due to young people
being drafted against their will. This
movement along with other things
have helped to decide the withdrawal
from the war. Another reason given
is to lessen tension, helping to stop
bloodshed. Though the military has
withdrawn, some still question. Is this



It has just been announced that the
Beatles will be doing their second
tour during the summer. They will be
playing in a mixture of inside,and
outside arenas. Ticket sales have

Better get the before they're all sold


"Free Love and Women's

History in the 19th Century
(and Later)." About. N.p.,

"Malcolm X." Wikipedia.

Wikimedia Foundation, 09
Oct. 2014. Web. 11 Sept.
"Sons of Anarchy: New
Promo Teases Explosive
Mayhem for Jax in Season
6Watch Now!" E! Online.
N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept.
"Stories of White Americans
in the Modern Civil Rights
Movement: FourBook
Reviews." Teaching for
Change's Busboys and
Poets Bookstore |. N.p.,
"Timeline and Inventions of
the 60s."
"The Vietnam War | Publish
with Glogster!" Glogster.
N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept.
Beatles/2 (7/8/14)."
Beatles/2 (7/8/14). N.p.,
Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web.
"Mustang Blue Cv (1964)."
View Picture. N.p., n.d.

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