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Possible Sentence

There are 4 unfamiliar words and 2 familiar words provided from the infotext.
Read through the assigned pages of the infotext. Choose an additional 3 unfamiliar
words and 3 familiar words.
Form a simple definition, What do you think it means?
In provided partners, generate a student-friendly definition
Write sentences using the words
As a class, discuss group definitions
As a class, discuss infotext reading

Assigned Reading: Storytelling: Process & Practice Chapter 1

Unfamiliar words Definitions

Structural Abstraction The way a person has a story stored in their memory

Configuration Arrangement; how something is arranged

Archetype A reoccurring symbol or motif in a story

Schema _The was a story is organized

__Transcend__________ To exceed; to go beyond something

__Cosmology___ Model for how the universe works

__Collective Embodiments___ Characters known for their universal traits; not
known individually; ex. A villain

Familiar Words Definitions

Mundane Ordinary everyday routine

Comprehension Ones understanding of something like a story

__Significance_____ The importance or meaning of something

_Framework_____ The structure or outline

__Storytelling__ Oral telling of a story to an audience

Sentences: After identifying and defining the words from the text, create sentences using at
least 2 words per sentences. Write as many sentences as needed to write sentences that
show understanding of the words and make sense.

The significance of that character can transcend by the end of the story. Collective
embodiments provide a framework to different parts of the story and aides in the
schema. In that chapter, the configuration of the cosmology helps my comprehension of
that scene. Structural abstraction varies between my parents and I, but storytelling is
never mundane while maintaining the same archetypes.

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