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Approved 9/2/14

1 of 5 Prepared by Dave Gilman

Scott Mountain Homeowners Association
Board Meeting of July 1, 2014

Location: Fire Station, 9336 SE Causey

Board Members Present: Ted Seble, Dave Gilman, John Chapman, John Short, Jim Graham, Dennis
Shaffer, Dan Otis, Nancy Hall

Absent: Jenny Shaffer

Homeowners Present: Vicki Irish, Rick Wolff, Randy Flynn

Guests: Chris Runyard from Happy Fish, Two representatives from Sunrise Water

Call to Order: 7:05 pm by President Dennis Shaffer

Approval of Meeting Minutes - May 2014
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by John Short to
approve the June minutes as submitted, seconded by Jim Graham, and all Board members present

Chris Runyard of Happy Fish Restoration
Chris gave a report on the status of the forest, which he had recently inspected. He said the goal for the
forest is to remove non-native plants as blackberries, ivy, and holly. He said that the forest area looks
good. Much of the non-native plants have been kept under control and that native trees are coming
back. The ivy has been kept off of the trees. This is Year 2 of the proposed work, with the primary effort
to cut ivy and blackberries, and remove any other non-native trees as spurge laurel. His estimate of
cost for work this year is $2680 and for future years it would be about $1800 for normal continuing
work. The work this year would involve a crew of 6 or 7 workers for 2-3 days. The rate for Chris is
$35/hr and for his crew is $30/hr. Dennis made a motion to approve $2680 for Chris/Happy Fish to do
the work for this year. It was seconded by John Short. All Board members present approved.

There were two representatives from Sunrise Water who gave a status report on the water main
replacement on 100th Drive. They said it is near completion with all residents now switched over to the
new pipe. The road reconstruction will be starting next Monday (7/7/14). This is to grind the street level
and repave. There was another break on Stevens Court, but this did not appear to be require major
work. The break was repaired, but sunrise is waiting for additional inspection to see how much needs to
be replaced. On 100th they will clean the catch basins and the street when all other work is completed.
The Sunrise Water communications person asked what the residents thought of the job and if adequate
info was provided. The100
Drive residents said they did a good job.

Rick Wolff requested that the triangle on Stevens Road with the Scott Mt sign be cleaned and bark dust
added. Jim said it looked clean as work had been done last month, but no bark dust had been applied.
John Chapman made a motion that bark dust be spread on both areas with the Scott Mt signs. It was
seconded by Nancy. All Board members present approved.


President: Dennis Shaffer

Dennis sent out a letter to 10416 SE 98th Court to clean up the yard or a fine will start.
Approved 9/2/14

2 of 5 Prepared by Dave Gilman
A letter Requesting that a dead tree near the walking path be removed was sent to 9808 SE
Derek Ct.
A yard maintenance letter was sent to 9875 SE Derek Court.
A request by email was received from Glen Sage to put a POD (for storage) on his RV space. It
was OK'ed for 2 months.
A fine letter for needed yard maintenance was sent to 10251 SE 100th Drive. The homeowner
completed the needed yard work yesterday.
An Email from received from Ms. Glassy complaining about barking dog at 9808 SE Derek Ct.
Dennis said he would send a letter.
There was a complaint about dogs at large at 10891 SE Stevens Way. This was from Bill
Bill Casey also sent a complaint about a new fence being build in front of a recently purchased
house on 99th, and that it did not meet the covenants. Dennis checked it out and approved the
Dennis completed a bridge across the creek in the common area.

Vice-president: Ted Seble
Ted said there a tree in his neighbors yard whose roots are causing his fence to move up and is
cracking his house foundation. The neighbor is considering removal, but is waiting for more info.
John Short said he inspected the yard and does see a need to remove the tree and would give
approval. It is up to Ted neighbors to decide if they will remove the tree.

Secretary: Dave Gilman
Dave reported the completion of the June meeting minutes.

Treasurers Report: John Chapman
John Chapman reported that 190 out of 249 homeowners have paid their dues. The HOA Bank
balance is currently $39,627. See attached report.

Environmental Committee: Jim Graham
Jim reported that someone from Ricks tree service will be at the next meeting to explain the
trend on tree care for HOAs.
He is having Finishing Touch (HOA landscaper) do a project to clean up some areas where the
work is beyond the contract.
The County Commissioners are meeting on 7/17 and 7/31 to discuss concerns about dogs. Jim
will attend and encourages other to also attend.
The County did write a letter about the fire in the garage at 9808 SE Derek Court to the
homeowner to inquire if there is a commercial activity there.

Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis
Dan reported that one of the yards that had been complained about had completed the needed
Dan checked on a house on Stevens way that had a complaint about the yard.

Architectural: John Short
John Short met with the homeowners at 10763 SE 95 Court about a tree removal, a house
upgrade, and paint color. This was approved.

Safety: Jenny Shaffer
Absent but provided report. See attached report.

Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
Approved 9/2/14

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She noted that the sale in Happy Valley had an ad on Craig's List, where there the participants
could add their sale location to a map. She said that we should have our sale at the same time
as Happy Valley, as we are part of the area.


Open Forum

Adjournment: at 8:45 pm by Dennis

Next Regular Board Meetings: September 2, 2014 at 7 pm at the Fire Station
And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.

Approved 9/2/14

4 of 5 Prepared by Dave Gilman

Treasurer's Report July 2013 July 2014

Scott Mountain Bank Accounts: $39,051 $39,627
2013-14 Dues Collected: $19,027 $18,867

188 190 Households that are current
40 40 Households that are 1 year behind.
6 Households that are 2 years behind.
2 4 Households that are 3 years behind.
2 3 Households that are 5 years behind.
4 2 Households that are making partial payments.
5 3 Households in Foreclosure or Bankruptcy.
1 : Households that may be in probate.

As of 7/2/13, 75.5% 76.3% of
homeowners are current.

Approved 9/2/14

5 of 5 Prepared by Dave Gilman
Attachment 2

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