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Laws of Indices

Why does each law work?

Laws of Indices

Some useful things to remember

Anything to the power 0 is 1

egati!e powers produce fractions

"ractional powers produce roots
#ake the following as an e$ample
%an we now generalise this statement to include m&s and n&s?

'e(write the powers of a

Substitute these e$pressions into the original sum
and total
Show that the answers are the
%ould this idea be of any help?
What is happening as you mo!e through the pattern?
)ow could this help you to *ustify some of the laws?

+ther ideas
If you ha!e pro!en a law you may use it to pro!e another
)ow could you use this idea to *ustify the fractional
indices law?

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