Lep 3

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Lesson Plan

Year level Duration Focus Implementation Date Curriculum Area

1 60 minutes Lesson 3 Assessment Lesson N/A National
Prior Knowledge LMQ1- What does the learner already know?
What a map is and the basic layout of a map
How to log onto a computer
How to use apps on iPad
How to work in groups
How to use cameras

Learning Outcomes/Standards LMQ2 Where does the learner need/want to be?
Declarative Knowledge Procedural Knowledge

DK 1: Students have basic understanding of mapping concepts and language.

PK1: Students will use their knowledge to create their own mapping story book using
book creator.
LMQ3 How does the learner best learn?

DoL1 Focus Helping students Develop Positive Attitudes and Perceptions about Classroom

Help students understand that attitudes and perceptions related to classroom climate
influence learning.
By helping students feel comfortable in their own classroom it is vital that teachers have
knowledge of the major disruptions to the students learning areas. As the students feel that
the teachers are trying to help them feel a sense of comfort by understanding the students
wants and needs, if they are uncomfortable in talking about certain topics and you believe
that it will further discomfort the student try and avoid that if possible.

DoL5 Focus Habits of Mind

Maintain an Open Mind.
By maintaining an open mind students can become more creative with topics in class
especially linking into traditional stories and art lessons. By maintaining an open mind
the students are able to give you their own opinion what they think will happen next in
the story other than what is written on the page also with art this allows them to
elaborate when given a sheet of paper what would work together and what wouldnt.
This critical thinking topic is vital in classrooms as it is a great developmental stage for
students to touch on as creativity is something not touched on as much in classrooms in
todays society.

Time Resources
Learning Procedures
Key Questions &
Assessment LMQ7
Differentiation DOL





1. Have students hop on computers and look at the website for
todays instructions. This lesson is the assessment lesson in
which students will create their own walk.
Students will use all the information and technological
background to create a book using the book creator app.
2. Students are to have :
- A cover page that has your name on it.
- Clear and concise instructions of how to get from the start
position to the end.
- Photos of all the key areas in which you will mention
- Positional Language to help describe what way to go.
-A Birdseye view map of the way you went.
3. The students are to work independently on this assessment to
create their walk and map where they went using positional

4. If students are unsure of ideas there are many on the website and
also a tutorial for those who have forgotten how to use it.

5. Teachers are to monitor students during this lesson to ensure they
stay on track and if they need help to guide them.

5. Students will share their book with a partner asking any questions
if they are unsure of their partners directions.

Whole Class
Students on task.

Whole Class
Students on task

Whole Class
Student Participation

Whole Class
Check student
Monitor student work.

Whole class
Monitor participation

Allow extra time for
individual learners.
(ASD students)

Modify expectations for
individual learners,
allow extra time.

Explain terms to
individual learners who
require it.

DOL 1 Help
Students Develop
Positive Attitudes
and Perceptions
about Classroom
-Help students
understand that
attitudes and
perceptions related
to classroom
climate influence

DOL 5 Helping
Students develop
productive Habits of
-Provide positive
reinforcement to
students who
exhibit the habits of
Making sure
students are

LMQ 9.
What worked best with my students and why?
What did they enjoy most? Why?
What did students not enjoy? Why? What can I change?
Did I provide enough differentiation for struggling students? How?
Did I provide enough extension work for the gifted and talented students? How?
Did the lessons go as planned? Why/why not?
What could I have done differently? How?
What did students understand/not understand?
What went wrong and why?
What did I do well and why?
Were all students engaged and participating in activities?
Are all students ready to move forward on the topic? Do we need go over it again?

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