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Classroom Observation Form

Teaching Performance Expectations

Student Teacher: Abigail Upham Date: Sept. 19, 2014
Co-operating Teacher: Jill Chiodini
Supervisor: Pat Vreeland
School: High Tech High International Subject: Humanities
A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students - During todays lesson
Abbie helped to faciliate the students rst group discussion after reading their rst
assigned section of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian. In order to mix
up the groupings, Abbie had the kids count o" 1-6, and then move to the group
location associated with their number.

B: Assessing Student Learning - Abbie was able to check the students
understanding of what they had read through a class discussion on the cartoons
included in the rst assigned section of the book. She monitored the students as
they worked as a group and talked about the cartoons by walking around and
helping students who needed it and redirecting others. She held a whole class
discussion to conclude the activity.
C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning - In addition Abbie was able to
support students in their learning by breaking down a di#cult poem, Yuba City
School, into digestable chunks. She broke the poem down by the stanzas and
discussed the poem stanza by stanza. I really liked this idea and plan to use it
myself. However, I think its best if the teacher reads the poem through, in its
entirety once, before breaking it down and discussing it stanza by stanza. The
discussions were a bit long and I saw that some students lost interest before they
had ever nished reading the poem. It made each stanza seem a bit disconnected
instead of being one uid piece.
D: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning - Abbie designed a Quick Write
to go along with the theme of the poem asking the students to write about and then
share out their own ethnicities and familys immigration history. The students were
really excited to share their responses with the class. I also plan to use this activity
with my students as it went really well.
E: Creating and Maintaining E!ective Environments for Student Learning -
Students were kept quiet during the necessary times and were allowed to participate
and ask questions during the discussion. They respect and do well for Abbie. She is
nurturing and supportive of them when they share their ideas. The classroom is a
productive environment when she is in command of the class.
F. Developing as a Professional Educator - Abbie is doing so well. She is teaching
my morning class and they see her as their teacher and not as a student teacher. She
is creative and brings new ideas and activities into our daily lesson plans. She has
been an inspiration and a tremendous support for me in my own practice. She needs
to remember to let the students talk every three times for each time she talks. This
is something we are both working on together.

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