GIS ICT Teacher Standards

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Use of technology to enhance student learning (1)

Area for development

Technology is utilised to enhance student learning. Choice and experimentation in the selection and use of
technology tools is encouraged.
Technology is consistently and effectively utilised to enhance student learning. Exploring and independently using
technology is effectively facilitated.
Clear strength
Technology tools are integrated flexibly and seamlessly into teaching and learning. The learning context is
structured and students independently make informed decisions about when and how to use different tools.
GIS lead
Technology tools are used to facilitate higher order learning activities that would not otherwise have been possible
without the use of technology. Students direct their own learning with the teacher serving as guide, mentor, and model.
Developing capacity to utilse ICT in teaching and learning (2)

Area for development
Improve professional, practice by demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.
Improve professional, practice and exhibit some aspects of leadership in the school and professional community by
demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.
Clear strength
Frequently improve their professional, practice and exhibit aspects of leadership in the school and professional
community by demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.
GIS lead
Continuously improve their professional, practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in the school and
professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.

Learners use ICT safely and responsibly (3)

Area for development
Incorporate some relevant strategies to support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and
teaching. Routines are set to monitor resonsible use of ICT.
Incorporate a range of strategies to support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching.
Routines are established with students to monitor responsible use.
Clear strength
Create an awareness of the importance of using different strategies to ensure the safe, responsible and ethical use
of ICT in learning and teaching.
GIS lead
There is clear evidence that students are aware of, and are employing, strategies that ensure the safe, responsible
and ethical use of ICT in learning.

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