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Read the passage and complete the task'

,4 computer is an electronic device that can work oL11 calcui.aticns

and handle informatio:r
A large number of facts *J
can te ut"a Uy a computer
to solve difficult
prq.,blq1ns at
speed. A lot of information
can be processed by computers'
A computer .u" iru"ai* u variety o{ information.
tn a big supermarket,
a computer can rnake
the same time, keep a check on the amount
ilAe supermarket.
A computer can be proglammed to contlol rnachines in factoties that make a rvide'variety of
products. lt can teep-aliuir.ruit,
a ship o, u rpu..,rafi
on the correct csurse' It can also play a
Alrhough a computer
can perform *;;;;t-fr'.t#ks
at high tp""d' it cannot think for itself'
*r. ,r*ful tools, bit *"y rurrt oi Aeal wlti' problems until they are given information
and the correct inst;.ii"n*
on ho#to deal with them. unlike humans, they cannot
discover nelv
things tor themselves.
\rVrite a summary
on what a computer can do and its limitations'
Your summarymust:
notbe more than 60 words, including the 10 words
given below
be in continuous
writing {not
in note form)
be rwitten in one
use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning'
Begin your summary as foilows:
Acampttter is an electronic eleuice wlticlt can solue clfficfit
Rearl the passage and complete the task'
!:,silr': i::l: .::: ri,ri
Motor accidents can be lrightening,
whether or not sorneone is injured' You must do your
best to keep your r."ra u"J aeirr+rlir an accidentSftlvlj::Y*:l
vo,,r name,
must do after an accident'is
to stop' Then,
give your name'
address and vehicle registration
number t.
*ittr a vatid reason for rvanting them such as
the driver of the other vehicle involved in the accident
or the owner of a property that you have

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