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Lesson Nine: Illustrating Dreamtime Stories:

A picture is worth a thousand words

Estimated Timing

90 minutes
Lesson Objectives

Australian Curriculum:
English / Year 6 / Literature / Responding to literature /
Content Description:
Analyse and evaluate similarities and differences in texts on
similar topics, themes or plots
exploring texts on a similar topic by authors with very different
styles, for example comparing fantasy quest novels or
realistic novels on a specific theme, identifying differences in
the use of narrator, narrative structure and voice and
language style and register

English / Year 6 / Literacy / Interpreting, analysing,
evaluating / ACELY1801
Content Description:
Analyse strategies authors use to influence readers
identify how authors use language to position the reader and
give reasons

English / Year 6 / Literacy / Interacting with others /
Content Description;
Participate in and contribute to discussions, clarifying and
interrogating ideas, developing and supporting arguments,
sharing and evaluating information, experiences and opinions
recognising that closed questions ask for precise responses
while open questions prompt a speaker to provide more


Use text-processing strategies
when viewing and reading,
connecting to prior knowledge
about the author and specific
learning area content (VR6 iii)

View, read, navigate and adjust
selection of texts for multiple
purposes (VR6 i)

Identify the purpose, content,
context, text structure and writer
reader relationships when writing
and creating learning area texts
(WC6 i)

Independently view and read and
demonstrate understanding of
learning area texts by:
synthesising and comparing
information and ideas within and
between texts
comparing texts that represent
ideas and events in different ways to
determine similarities and differences
analysing information and supplying
evidence from interrelated parts of
evaluating and summarising point of
view (VR6 iv)

Individual work

Resources 27 x Culture Journal (Blank, lined workbooks)
27 x iPads/Laptops
Smart Board

Learning Experiences
1. Begin lesson by acknowledging traditional owners of the land.
2. Explain to students that this lesson they will be working individually to examine Dreamtime
stories. Explain that students will investigate multiple stories before choosing one story and
finding an image that they feel best represents the story.
3. Students will use Laptops to access the following sites: (Hopkins, 2007) (Hermit, 2010)
Students will investigate the sites and answer the following questions in their Culture Journal.
Teacher to write questions on Smart Board.
What did you discover about Aboriginal oral traditions?
How does the Aboriginal relationship with the land compare with non-indigenous links to the
4. Once the students have answered the questions, they are to return to and choose a story to examine.
Students will print the version of their story to glue into their journal.
5. Students will then use Google Image to find an image they believe best represents their story.
Students will print image and glue into Culture Journal. They will then write an explanation as
to why they believe this image best represents the story.

Students who finish early may use their image as a foundation to create a Dreamtime story.

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