Analysis of Animal Farm

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1) Which animal characters did you especially like !escri"e them

#) !escri"e the po$er stru%%le "et$een Sno$"all and Napoleon& Who $ins in the end
') (i)e some e*amples o+ ho$ the pi%s chan%e in their "eha)iour to$ards the animals as time
,) What does -omrade Napoleon do $ith the nine puppies "orn on Animal Farm. and $hy
/) !i++erences "et$een Mollie and -lo)er
0) !escri"e ho$ the $indmill $as "uilt& Why $as it such an important pro1ect
2) In $hat $ay did the pi%s en+orce and demonstrate their superiority o)er the other animals
3) 4he metamorphosis o+ the -ommandments

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