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English Language Teacher Development Project (ELTDP)

Work together in to discuss and answer this computer quiz

!" What does www stand for?
$" Put the following in order of size (smallest to biggest)
a. 1MB %.1KB c. 1GB

&" How muh information an a !" hold#
a. $.% GB %. &'(MB c. ' GB

'" What is software?
a" a om)uter )rogram and the instrutions that ontrol what a
om)uter does
%" a de*ie that lin+s a om)uter to the tele)hone networ+ so that
information an be transmitted between om)uters
c" an, t,)e of om)uter e-ui)ment whih an be touhed (e.g. monitor.
!". +e,board/et)

(" What is a browser?
a" an eletroni image or design
%" a )rogram that allows ,ou to aess the world wide web
c" a )erson who writes software for a om)uter
ACCESS ENGLISH: Transforming the teaching and learning of English in East Asia
)T*+ We%site Trainer Training Workshop
,omputer quiz
-" What is a server?
a" a entral om)uter from whih other om)uters obtain information
%" the )art of ,our om)uter that holds all the information
c" a mahine that on*erts images into digital form so that the, an be
used b, om)uters

." What does bookmark mean?
a" to im)ro*e e0isting e-ui)ment
%" to remo*e te0t. data. files/et from a om)uter
c" to add a website address to the fa*ourites menu
/" Messages gi*en to ,our om)uter to enable -ui+er aess the ne0t time
,ou *isit a website are +nown as#
a. sams %. tro1ans c. oo+ies

0" What is an attachment?
a" an eletroni message
%" a doument. image or file added to an email
c" a relationshi) made in a hat room
!1" What is an icon?
a" an image that re)resents an emotion (e.g. smile,)
%" an image that ,ou an li+ on to )erform a funtion or o)en a
c" buttons that run along the to) of a home)age and an be used to
na*igate between different )ages within that website.
ACCESS ENGLISH: Transforming the teaching and learning of English in East Asia

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