Workshop Title Advanced Workshop On Rectal Cancer: Day 1-Tuesday, November 5 8.30 - 10.30

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Advanced workshop on rectal cancer

Day 1- Tuesday, November 5
8.30 10.30
Opening speech
Rectal embriology The embryological basis of the TME operation Prof RJ Heald
Rectal anatomy and the Mesorectum concept F. Filipoiu
Ways of learning anatomy MRI may turn out to be the best - Prof RJ Heald
Rectal cancer epydemiology, biology, oncogenesys, histology B. Diaconescu
10.30 Coffee-break
11.00 12.30
Diagnostic workup in rectal cancer V. Scripcariu
Imaging staging in rectal cancer CT Echo endo
Treatment indications for rectal cancer M. Beuran
The multimodal treatment for rectal cancer (includes Radio-chemotherapy) C. Chiricuta
13.00 Lunch break
14.00 18.00
Live surgery, Prof RJ Heald Floreasca Emergency Clinical Hospital
Video presentations tipical & particular cases - Prof RJ Heald

Day 2 Wedesday, November 6
8.30 10.00
TME surgical technique - Prof RJ Heald
Laparoscopic TME C Copaescu
Robotic TME I. Popescu/V.Tomulescu
Ways of treting the sphyncter B. Martian
10.30 Coffee-break
11.00 12.30
Transanal endoscopic rectal surgery V. Bintintan
Colo-rectal anastomosis: tips, tricks, failure: what to do ? Prof RJ Heald
Postoperative short and long term follow-up - Prof. Georgescu
Future steps in oncologic colo-rectal surgery F. Lazar
Pannel conclusions
14.00 Evaluation test
14.30 Closing and diploma handing
Take home messages

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