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Correspondence Address
Aditya Thakur
Nanda Ki Badi
Kherli Phatak, Kota
Contact No: 8233211382
Email Id: adityakthakur89@gmailcom
A!I"#A "$A%UR
Career &'(ecti)e: Seek a Career Position, which will oer a hi!h le"el o
challen!e res#onsi$ility and o##ortunity to contri$ute si!niicantly $y e%#loitin! &y
education 'ualiication and e%#erience((
) *ro& Allaha$ad Board, +P(
),, -Co&&erce. ro& Allaha$ad Board, +P
BA A##earin! ro& /01+, Kota
C&M.U"ER %-&/+E!0E
Basic Knowled!e o Co&#uter
2ast 1ne 3ear worked in 1ri!o Co&&odities ,ndia P"t( 2td(
.ERS&-A+ !E"AI+2
*ather Na&e : Shri Satish Ku&ar Thakur
4ate o Birth : 5675871995
Se% : 0ale
Nationality : ,ndian
0arital Status : 0arried
2an!ua!e Known : :indi and ;n!lish
, certiied that the inor&ation urnished a$o"e is true to the $est o &y knowled!e
and $elie( No ,nor&ation has $een concealed $y &e which &ay lead to
cancellation o &y candidature or the recruit&ent at any ti&e(
.lace: Aditya "hakur

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