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Ekonomi Teknik Kimia kelas B

Semester ganjil TA 2013/2014

1 dari 1 halaman

PR 1 Ekotek B

1. Gambarlah diagram aliran kas (cash flow diagram) dari massing-masing soal di bawah ini.
2. Diagram tersebut boleh digambar dengan tangan atau mempergunakan program
spreadsheet (MS Excel atau OpenOffice Calc).
3. PR dikumpulkan paling lambat tanggal 10 October 2013 dengan mengunggah file-nya di e-
lisa (lebih dianjurkan) atau dikumpul langsung dalam bentuk kertas (tulis tangan atau print-
out) ke dosen pengampu.
4. Tugas ini bersifat individual, jika ditemukan hasil tugas yang sama persis akan diberikan nilai

1. On December 1, AI Smith purchased a car for $18,500. He paid $5000 immediately and
agreed to pay three additional payments of $6000 each (which includes principal and
interest) at the end of 1, 2, and 3 years. Maintenance for the car is projected at $1000 at the
end of the first year and $2000 at the end of each subsequent year. AI expects to sell the car
at the end of the fourth year (after paying for the maintenance work) for $7000. Draw the
cash flow diagram.

2. Bonka Toys is considering a robot that will cost $20,000 to buy. After 7 years its salvage
value will be $2000. An overhaul costing $5000 will be needed in year 4. O&M costs will be
$2500 per year. Draw the cash flow diagram.

3. Pine Village needs some additional recreation fields. Construction will cost $225,000 and
annual O&M expenses are $85,000. The city council estimates that the value of added youth
leagues is about $190,000. annually. In year 6 another $75,000 will be needed to refurbish
the fields. The salvage value is estimated to be $100,000 after 10 years. Draw the cash flow

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