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Name of the teacher: Meeramohan Standard : 8

Name of the school :GBHSS,Cherthala Strength : 42

Subject : English Period : 4
Unit : 1,On The Wings Of Wishes Duration : 45 min
Sub-unit : A Shattered Dream {para 1} Date :
Issue : Human Resourse Management
Sub- Issue : The importance of hard work
And determination

Content Analysis: A Shattered Dream is an anecdote from the life of
Mr.M.P Anil kumar who had been a fighter pilot in the Indian Air Force. He
faced the challenges in his life with cheer even after a fatal accident.
Cuuricular Statements:The learner,
{1}Reads and analyses the literary passage
{2}Gets sensitized to the issue posted and responses
to it.
{3}Develops awareness about the importance of will
power and determination
{4}Is able to address real life issues
Pre-requisites : The learner,
{1}Knows about how to read, write and understands
English passage
{2}Is familiar with hardships faced by different
{3}Has the study skill of referring a dictionary
Teaching Learning Resources:
{1}Blackboard for summarizing the passage
{2}Laptop for showing the images of persons who
faced many challenges in their life with cheer
{3}Pictures for explaining the situation
{1}Course Book ofstd 8 page no 30, para 1
{2}Source Book of std 8. Page no 73, module :12
{3}Oxford English Dictionary
{4}Daniel Jones Pronunciation Dictionary

Class RoomInteraction
Expected Response/Assessment

Informal Interaction
The teacher engages in an informal
talk with the students so as to
create a good rapport with them.
Can we sing a rhyme together?
Row,row,row your boat
Gently down the stream
Life is but a dream.

Students interacted well with
theteacher during the initial

Entry Activity
Teacher shows the picture of Sudha
Chandranand asks the students to
identifyher.Then shepresents the
narative of Sudha Chandrans life.
Sudha Chandran is a great dancer.
She is a successful actress too. Once
while she was returning from
Tamilnadu,she met with an
accident. As a result her right leg
was amputated. She was
disappointed initially. But she
started to dance with an artificial
leg. In 1984, she did the movie
Mayuri. She won the special jury
award at the national level.

Teacher shows the video clipping of
Sudha Chandrans dance
performance in the film
Mayuriusing laptop.

Link Talk
Teacher introduces the author and
provides the gist of the passage as
Today we are going to learn a
similar story.M.P AnilKumar is the
hero of the story.He narrates his
own story of an accident which
changed his life.
Teacher writes the name of the
story and the author on the

Students carefully observed the
picture andactively listened to the

Students watched the movie
clipping with great interest.

Students actively listened to the

Micro processing of the input
Model Reading by the Teacher
Teacher reads the first paragraph of
the story with proper
intonation,stress,pronunciation and
in meaningful units. The necessary
details are also forwarded to the

Silent Reading by the Teacher
Teacher asks the pupil to read the
passage individually and silently.

Track Reading by the Teacher
Students are asked to read the
passage individually and silently and
they are also asked to mark. That is,
they have to put a tick mark for
what they have understood and a
question mark for what they

Sitting and sharing with peers
Teacher asks the pupil to sit in
groups and to share their ideas with
the members of the group

Glossary Reference
Teacher asks the students to refer
the glossary to find out the meaning
of difficult words. The difficult
words are:
{1}Crashed: collide with something
Eg; the car crashed in to the wall
{2}Thud: sound of a heavy object

Students actively listened to
themodel reading by the teacher.

Students read the passage silently.

Students read the passage
silentlyaccording to teachers

Students shared their ideas with
the group members.

Students referred the glossary.
Students understood the

hitting somewhere softer.
{3}Wrenched: injure a part of your

Collaborative Learning
Students are asked to form groups
and share their ideas in groups.
Students are asked to write down
words in their personal word
list.Teacher shows the picture of
Anil Kumar in his paralyzed state as
well as in Indian Army using laptop.

Megaphoning the Doubts
Teacher asks each group to
megaphone their doubts to other

Facilitation by the Teacher
Teacher helps to clarify the difficult
areas, which no group could tackle.
Teacher also explains the difficult

Second Model Reading by the

Scaffolding Questions
In order to make the content more
clear, scaffolding
Questions are asked to the
[1}Who is narrating the incident?
{2}What happened to the

Students formed groups and share
their ideasin groups.

Students megaphoned their
doubts to other group.

Students actively listened to the

Students presented their answers
to the scaffolding questions.

Presentation by the Pupil
Randomly students are selected
from each group and they are asked
to present the answers for
thescaffolding questions.

Discourse Construction, Editing and
Teacher asks the students to write
the profile of M.P Anil Kumar using
the hints shown in the chart.
M.P Anil Kumar
Born: 1964,Chirayinkil, Trivandrum
1973: Entered the Sainik school at
the age of 9
1984: Joined the Indian Air Force as
a fighter pilot
1988: Met with an accident and it
wrenched his neck and broke his
cervical spine which led to paralysis.
Teacher directs each group to
present what they have
Written and selects the best and
asks them to read it aloud.
Then the learners are asked to edit
Teachers version of the profile
M.P Anil Kumar was born in 1964 at
Chirayinkil,Trivandrum. In 1973, he
entered Sainik school at the age of
9. He joined the Indian Air Force as
a fighter pilot in 1984.
He met with an accident in 1988.
The accident wrenched his neck and
broke his cervical spine, which led

Students actively participated in
thediscourse construction.

Trace out the life incident of any other person,who faced many challenges
and later came back to life with strong determination.

to paralysis.

Generalization and Conclusion
Teacher summarizes the passage
with the help of the students.
Teacher summarizes the passage as:
While Anil Kumar was returning
after night flying, his motorbike
crashed on to a wooden barrier and
fell on to the ground. He was
hospitalized and the accident had
wrenched his neck and broken his
cervical spine.

Students helped the teacher to
summarize the passage.

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