Learning by Experience Adults

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Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences

Adults like to be given opportunity to use their existing foundation of knowledge and experience gained
from life experience, and applies it to their new learning experiences. As a clinical educator you can:
Find out about your student - their interests and past experiences (personal, work and study related)
Assist them to draw on those experiences when problem-solving, reflecting and applying clinical
reasoning processes.
Adult learners have characteristics that set them apart from 'traditional' school or college learners. All
adults come to courses with a variety and range of experiences, both in terms of their working life and
educational backgrounds. This impacts on how and why they participate in learning.
Adults have accumulated life experiences. Adults come to courses with experiences and knowledge in
diverse areas. They tend to favour practical learning activities that enable them to draw on their prior
skills and knowledge. Adults are realistic and have insights about what is likely to work and what is not.
They are readily able to relate new facts to past experiences and enjoy having their talents and
knowledge explored in a teaching situation.

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