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Schedule of Specials Each Day from 11:00-11:50

September 5, 2014
Building good habits has been our focus this
first week. Weve spent the most time on
selecting books properly. First we start with
thinking about what theyre in the mood to
read: information, a series, an animal book, a
fairy tale, etc. e!t we look for interesting
covers that catch our eye. "hen we e!amine
the #acket or back cover to see if the book
sounds as appealing as the cover looks.
Finally after a book is selected we make sure
it is $#ust right%. We read the first few pages
or even first chapter asking ourselves if the
words are too difficult to read or even #ust
difficult enough that its slowing us down.
Finally we look to see how many pages and
if we can commit to a book the si&e we have
chosen. "here are a lot of steps involved.
'oes it sound how you pick a book( ) hope
so. Were building skills to last a lifetime.
The focus of our frst Unit is
connecting addition and subtraction.
Thats the idea that 7+8=15 and 15-
8=7. Students should be able to use
addition or subtraction readily to solve
problems. We are also hitting tens and
ones. Place value is a crucial skill for
manipulating numbers quickly.
Heres a new way to revoice a problem.
Instead of saying what does 23+42
equal, ask how much would we have if
we added 2 tens and 4 tens and 3 ones
and 2 ones? That simple change in
how you ask sets up a diferent
thought process in students and one
weve been practicing since frst grade
started. Try it.
Lunch is from 11:50-12:25 if you would ever like to oin your student
for a !uick "ite#
"his years Wauka&oo theme:
10/2Art Prize feld trip
Have a Great
Listening and
Perhaps the skill that is in
greatest need of practice and
refnement is speaking.
Every day we are encouraging
collaborative conversation in
reading, writing, and math.
In those conversations we are
expecting students to share
and support opinions they
have using information they
have learned. We practice
this at the beginning of each
day. We answer journal
questions and then pass the
conversation around. We
practice acknowledging the
speakers thoughts before us
and passing the conversation
on in a kind way asking a
complete question. Its tough
Plant lifecycles is the unit we
are beginning our year with.
Together we will discover what
lifecycles plants have and the
factors that can improve and
interrupt or destroy that
Purple? Theres
No Purple.
Yes. Theres purple. Our new
behavior chart this year is a clip
system. Each morning students
out on green in
the middle of the
chart and then
through the day
as they work
quietly, or
cooperatively, or
share I have them
clip up or clip
down on the
behavior chart.
Remember that
they should be
coloring the
homework log
each night so that
you can see what
Like to Volunteer?
ame --------------------------------------------------------
.hone: ----------------------
'ays: --------------------------------------------------------
"imish: -----------------
"he party sign0up sheet wasnt out at 1pen
3ooking for
4oordinator for the 4hristmas and
5alentine .arty
,nack person for each party
Beverage person for each party
2elpers for each party
4heck the one that youd be interested in and )ll
email the results to the volunteers.
"hanks for all the e!tra you do.

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