Taller de Ingles: Nombre: Felipe Cofre Quezada Profesora: Dorys González

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Nombre: Felipe Cofre Quezada
Profesora: Dorys Gonzlez
Fecha: Mircoles 24 de Septiembre
Carrera: Ingeniera en Construccin

- Oraciones usando verbos regulares:
1. I wanted to play football today
2. They danced for us at the party
3. Buy the gas
4. My girlfriend and I watched the movie
5. She walked for 1 hour
6. Study English yesterday
7. Juice Felipe tennis with her friend
8. Saw a football match
9. My mother and I talked about our problems
10. Play station was played last night

- Oraciones usando verbos irregulars:
1. The young has risen sleepy
2 Philip had awakened when his father came
3.La teacher had been in class all morning
4.This is not sentence me in Spanish
5 Philip began his studies as an engineer
6. Teacher built a house
7 I drew a picture on the beach
8.The 18 drank beer
9.La drink had cost a dollar
10 My mother planted a tree in his yard

- Preguntas en pasado /negacion:

1. Where did you sleep?

2. Where you come?

3. Why did you do that?

4. Who was she?

5. You loved him?

6. That's what you said?

7. You did today?

8. How you felt yesterday?

9. You liked what I did?

10. It was an accident?

- Rutina:

My routine is similar Tuesday all week, I woke up at 7am then take breakfast and I'm
walking to college. I had classes all morning, there was a weird weather all day. At 13
pm I went home for lunch and then went back to college for more classes at 19 hrs and
went out to run around the city of Talca. when you return to rest a moment and ate
something delicious. Then talk on the phone with my girlfriend and fell asleep studying
for a test I have today economy Wednesday. Weekends are days where I relax more
and I travel to see my family and friends to my hometown San Ferrnando.

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