Author Study 2013-2014

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1. lck one auLhor or lllusLraLor and read aL leasL 3 LlLles by LhaL slngle
auLhor or lllusLraLor. (SuggesLed auLhors and lllusLraLors are below.)

2. keep a llsL, web or charL of Lhlngs LhaL you noLlce are unlque abouL LhaL
auLhor or lllusLraLor. WhaL does he or she do LhaL ls dlfferenL Lhan whaL you
see ln oLher books?

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WhaL are Lhe names of all Lhe books your arLlsL has done? Pow many
are Lhere?
Whlch was Lhe flrsL?
Pave any of Lhe books won awards? Whlch books? Whlch awards?
WhaL quallLles or Lhemes do mosL of your arLlsL's books share?
lf your arLlsL ls an lllusLraLor, whlch arL maLerlals or Lechnlques are
Lyplcally used?
Where dld your arLlsL aLLend school? WhaL degrees does he or she
WhaL oLher klnds of [obs dld your arLlsL have?
WhaL book do you know, or belleve, ls Lhe arLlsL's favorlLe, and why?
WhaL parLs of creaLlng books come easlly Lo your arLlsL? Whlch parLs
are dlfflculL?
ls Lhere anyLhlng LhaL ls a speclal lnsplraLlon Lo your arLlsL?

When was your arLlsL born (year, daLe)? Pow old ls Lhe arLlsL? lf
dead, when dld your arLlsL dle? Pow old was he or she?
Where does your arLlsL llve?
uoes your arLlsL have any chlldren?
uoes your arLlsL have any peLs?
uoes your arLlsL have any speclal lnLeresLs?
Can you glve examples of Lhe arLlsL's famlly, peLs, personal
experlence or lnLeresLs appearlng ln or affecLlng hls or her work?

lf you had Lo say ln a few senLences whaL your arLlsL does ln a book
LhaL makes hlm/her dlfferenL Lhan any oLher arLlsL, whaL would you
say? (ln oLher words, be able Lo descrlbe Lhe auLhor's sLyle and
favorlLe Lhemes.) 1PlS lS ?Cu8 S1?LL S1A1LMLn1, and should
appear on your dlsplay as well. 8emember, you musL be famlllar wlLh
a reasonable amounL of your arLlsL's work Lo creaLe Lhls sLaLemenL!
Pappy readlng!

uCn'1 AnlC! 1hls ls [usL a llsL of plenLy of auLhors and lllusLraLors so
you have a wealLh Lo choose from. Ask your llbrarlan or booksLore
salesperson Lo help you locaLe a few, and Lhen choose one!
8emember, check ouL aL leasL 3 books by Lhe person you choose!

4. CreaLe a posLer and prepare a shorL presenLaLlon (2-3 mlnuLes) abouL
your auLhor. (See aLLached dlsplay lnsLrucLlons)

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Lrlc Carle, !annell Cannon, eggy 8aLhmann, aLrlcla olacco, aL PuLchlns, Arnold
Lobel, AnlLa Lobel, ueml, SLeven kellogg, vera Wllllams, Wllllam SLelg, 1omle de aola,
Chrls van Allsburg, kevln Penkes, 8ruce uegen, !ames Marshall, Molly 8ang, 8rlan
lnkney, Lllsa kleven, nancy 1afurl, CuenLln 8lake, 8oberL u. San Soucl, !ane 8ay, 1rlna
ScharL Pyman, Leo Llonnl, Marc 8uehner, Mar[orle rlceman, uavld Small, Cennady
Splrln, uon and Audrey Wood, !udy Slerra, Penry Cole, amela uuncan Ldwards, !erry
lnkney, !an 8reLL, Lols LhlerL, Marc 8rown, verna Aardema, uon lreeman, Lzra !ack
keaLs, 8lll eeL, !udlLh vlorsL, 8osemary Wells, uonald Crews, Susan Meddaugh, uavld
Shannon, uavld Wlsnlewskl, aul Caldone, Cerald McuermoLL, Leo and ulane ulllon,
!ane ?olen, 8arbara Cooney, Anno, 8ernard Waber, AnLhony 8rowne, Ld ?oung, Shel
SllversLeln, !ack reluLsky, Lucy Couslns, Ashley 8rlan, 8ernard MosL, Shlrley Pughes,
aul Coble, eLer Sls, Allen Say, MargreL 8ey...

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8everly Cleary, Louls Sachar, Call Carson Levlne, ChrlsLopher aul CurLls, aLrlcla 8ellly
Clff, Cary aulsen, Lols Lowry, ulck klng-SmlLh, 8oberL newLon eck, Mary norLon,
Zllpha keaLly Snyder, aul llleshamn, 8rlan !acques, Avl, !erry Splnelll, aLrlcla Wrede,
CynLhla volgL, L.L. konlsburg, karen Cushman, kaLherlne aLerson, Lawrence ?ep, 8lll
8rlLLaln, !ohn 8ellalrs, !ean Cralghead Ceorge, !oan Alken, 8ruce Covllle, !ames Powe,
Cary SoLo, Lloyd Alexander, uavld Adler, Laura lngalls Wllder, MargareL Mahy, Myron
Levoy, 8umer Codden, 8oberL 8urch, Wllllam ene du 8ols, Mordecal 8lchler, am
Conrad, Mar[orle Welnman SharmaL, WalLer uean Myers, ScoLL C'uell, naLalle 8abblLL,
vlrglnla PamllLon...

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Allkl, Seymour Slmon, aLrlcla Lauber, 8ussell lreedman, !ean lrlLz, Llsl Well, Allce
rovenson, ulane SLanley, ueborah nourse LaLLlmore, lngrl & Ldgar u'Aulalre, uavld
Macaulay, SLephen 8lesLy, MllLon MelLzer, ChrlsLlna 8[ork, Llla erl, Laurence rlngle,
uoreen 8appaporL, 8ruce McMlllan, !oanna Cole, Call Clbbons, Ann Morrls, 1ana Poban,
8uLh Peller...

no, you may noL choose Ann MarLln, 8.L. SLlne, 8oald uahl or ur. Seuss for your
auLhor sLudy, because one of Lhe goals ls Lo dlscover someone new Lo you.

?es, you may choose someone who ls noL on Lhls llsL, [usL clear lL wlLh me flrsL!

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My AuLhor/lllusLraLor (ArLlsL) ulsplay musL lnclude...
1he name of my arLlsL ln 1%). and aLLracLlve leLLerlng, cenLrally locaLed
A plcLure of my auLhor/lllusLraLor
A llsL of Lhe books my auLhor/lllusLraLor has creaLed
A sLrong sLaLemenL ln a few senLences abouL whaL your arLlsL does ln books LhaL
makes hlm/her dlfferenL Lhan any oLher arLlsL/auLhor
lnformaLlon abouL my auLhor/ lllusLraLor's llfe (a shorL paragraph, llsL or Llme
lcLures LhaL suggesL ma[or Lhemes ln your auLhor/lllusLraLor's work
Cn Lhe day of your presenLaLlon, you wlll seL up your dlsplay. 8rlng coples of
your arLlsL's books Lo show. 1hen, you wlll presenL your auLhor Lo Lhe class,
explalnlng why your auLhor ls so fabulous and unlque, lnLeresLlng facLs abouL Lhe
auLhor's personal llfe and Lhen share acLual lllusLraLlons or parLlcular wrlLLen
passages wlLh Lhe class. 8e ready Lo answer quesLlons abouL your arLlsL. A good
presenLaLlon ls one LhaL geLs your class exclLed Lo geL Lo know your arLlsL and Lo
read hls/her books, and shows you are famlllar wlLh your arLlsL's llfe and work.
Cf course, famlly members are welcome Lo come and waLch you presenL!

Thinking Map
Using this thinking map you can list 4 major important facts about your
author/illustrator such as where and when they were born, famous books and

Prepare Your Presentation!
You will need to prepare a 2-5 minute presentation to tell your
class about your author or illustrator. This can include explaining
your poster, but must include:

Personal information about your author/illustrator such as when and
where they were born, where they went to school, family members,
hobbies, etc.
Career information such as famous books written or illustrated, style
of writing, where you can purchase their books, etc.
Reasons why you chose this person and what you like about their


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