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Espaol 1: Examen Nombre:

punctuation/t vs.
Ud./alphabet/numbers/time/dates/gender of nouns
ESuchar !"#
Please listen as I spell the following words verbally in
Spanish letters and write out the letters you hear to form a
common Spanish word.
Please listen as I ask a question in Spanish and respond
with a brief, one or two word answer in Spanish below.
(eer ) escribir !&"#
a. *unctuation !"#
Please add in all of the missing accent marks, tildes, and
punctuation marks to the sentences below:
E+emplo: Cual es la fecha de tu cumpleanos
,Cu-l es la fecha de tu cumpleaos.
1# Como esta, Senora Campbell
%# Cual es la fecha de manana
&# oy es mi cumpleanos!
b. t vs. Ud. !&#
Please circle the correct verb con"ugation depending on
whether or not the person listed and underlined would be
referred to in the t form or the Ud. form. (Hint: Remember
that verbs directed toward a t end in s.)
E+emplo: #C$mo %est- & est's(, )e*na %+ueen( ,li-abeth.
/( #C$mo %te llamas & se llama(, Se 0 or.
1( #+u2 %hace & haces(, Se 0 or 3unnink.
4( #%,st's & ,st'( triste, 5iguelito.
. alphabet !'#
Please answer the following questions by selecting the
best answer in each instance:
1#66666 7hich pairing of sounds below are 89:
pronounced identically in Spanish.
a. ;llo< y ;yo<
b. ;ke< y ;ce<
c. ;"i< y ;gi<
d. ;ba< y ;va<
%#66666 7hich ,nglish sound below does the Spanish ;a<
most strongly resemble.
a. the ;o< of pot
b. the ;a< of back
c. the ;e< of met
d. the ;ai< of bait
&#:he Spanish word ;silla,< meaning chair most closely
resembles which ,nglish word or phrase below in
a. silly
b. silo
c. sea
d. see ya %as in ;cya later<(
'#66666 Please select the statement about Spanish
language vowels that is most correct.
a. ,ach letter represents one and only one vowel
sound that never changes.
b. ,ach letter usually represents the same vowel
sound, but the sound can change somewhat
depending on what comes before and after the
c. ,ach letter represents one and only one vowel
sound, but sometimes vowels can be silent.
d. ,ach letter can represent a variety of vowel
/. numbers !=(
Please write out the solution to each mathematical
problem in Spanish words:
E+emplo: catorce > veinticinco ? treinta ) nueve
1#ocho > siete ? 666666666666666
%#666666666666666> cuatro ? veinte
&#veintid$s > 666666666666666 ? cuarenta y cinco
'#treinta y uno > treinta y ocho ? 666666666666666
"#siete > 666666666666666 ? noventa y uno
E. time !0#
@or each clock given, please answer the question
;+u2 hora es.<
1# ___________________________________________
%# __________________________________________
&# _______________________________________
'#Please write three diAerent ways to report the
following time 1:B=.
c. 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666
1. dates !0#
Please use the calendar below to answer the following
questions eCclusively in Spanish:
1##+u2 d*a es el siete de septiembre.
%##Cu'l es la fecha de hoy.
&##Cu'ntos lunes hay en septiembre.
2. gender of nouns !0#
Please complete the following phrases from the notes:
/( 5ost nouns ending in 66666 are 666666666666666 and take
the deDnite article 66666.
1( 5ost nouns ending in 66666 are 6666666666666 and take
the deDnite article 66666.
4( 8ow, please Dll in the blank preceding each noun with
either ;el< or ;la< depending on whether the noun is
masculine or feminine.
a. 66666 amigo
b. 66666 boca
c. 66666 noche
d. 66666 l'pi-
e. 66666 mana0a
f. 66666 tiempo
3ablar !14#
Students will leave the classroom in pairs to complete a
brief conversation utili-ing the questions and answers of a
daily, informal dialogue. :he conversation will be graded
according to the inclusion of the following elements listed
5e6uired Element 1
;Eola! Fuenos d*as.<
;#C$mo te llamas.<
;5e llamo 6666666666.<
;#C$mo est's.<
;,stoy 6666666666.<
#Cu'l es la fecha de tu
Ga fecha de mi cumplea0os es
;#+u2 es tu nHmero de tel2fono.<
;5i nHmero de tel2fono es
;5ucho gusto. EIdi$s!<

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