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Harvey Jenks is preparing to take the war to the Dominion ... wont be posting for a while ...
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New Scotland
October 18, 1903
Scapa Flow, New Scotland
Matt Taylor
Harvey Jenks is preparing to take the war to the Dominion ... wont be posting
for a while ...
December 29, 1942
Matthew Reddy to Harvey Jenks Good news, Commodore: some of my
guys in Maa-nila found the Princess adrift ... along with several of my own personel
and over 70 Tarengesi (Grik-like, in case you havent met Lawrence).
December 24, 1942
Harvey Jenks What is the crazy Company doing??? First they went against the
Governor-Emperor (bad enough), then they kidnapped his daughter (even worse),
and now theyve allied with the Dominion?!?
December 23, 1942
Harvey Jenks to Billingsly I will find you, you traitorous Company filth!
Kidnapping the Princess is high treason; you will hang for your crime!
October 17, 1942
Harvey Jenks Sweet heavens! I have experienced the Alliances war with the
Grik, and now I know why they have such military might. Theyre fighting monsters.
October 15, 1942
Harvey Jenks thinks this is simply marvelous! A few short days ago, the most
impressive technology I knew was a rudimentary steam engine. Now I can make
letters appear on a strangely glowing surface just by pressing tiny buttons. Ive been
reliably informed that this is a rather long post, but its just too much fun!
September 6, 1942
type here.
Personal Information
Harvey Jenks is preparing to take the war to the Dominion ... wont be posting for a while ...
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Basic Information
New Scotland
October 18, 1903
Scapa Flow, New Scotland
Networks: New Scotland
Sex: Male
Birthday: October 18, 1903
Hometown: Scapa Flow, New Scotland
Relationship Status: Married to Michelle Jenks
Political Views: Imperial
Religious Views: Catholic
Activities: commanding the Imperial Navy, leading the war against the Dominion, working with
military high command of the Grant Alliance
Interests: Sailing, Hunting, Socializing, Exploration of the New World
Favorite Music: Antonio Vivaldi, Amadeus Mozart, J.S. Bach
Favorite Movies: A moving picture? Ingenious! How did those Americans invent all of this?
Favorite TV Shows: Whats TV?
Favorite Books: Pride and Prejudice, Heart of Darkness, Redcoat, Maelstrom
0 Albums
Contact Information
Address: 249 Governor Blvd., Scapa Flow, New Scotland
Phone Number: Im still trying to figure out long-distance communication ...
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Harvey Jenks is preparing to take the war to the Dominion ... wont be posting for a while ...
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Harvey Jenks is preparing to take the war to the Dominion ... wont be posting for a while ...

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