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Grant High Science: Ecology

Ecoregions of Oregon: Mapping Our Home

Group Member Names__________________________________ Date Due __________
We have spent some time now learning about the diferent ecoregions found in our
state as well as the reasons that the topography and climate create these distinct
regions. In this proect! you and your group will gather more data about the climate
and geography of each ecoregion and then investigate which types of plants!
animals! and other organisms call each ecoregion their home.
In order to receive credit for this assignment! you and your group will create a
poster"si#ed map of Oregon complete with information about each ecoregion$s
climactic data! geography! %ora! fauna! human impacts! and more. &ou will then
present your poster to the class and answer 'uestions about your discoveries. (se
the scoring rubric below to complete your proect.
)oster is aesthetically pleasing *ie. +ots of pictures! drawings! color! animals!
plants! lanscapes! lardforms! map is to"scale! etc., and contains the following-
..... */, 0limate of each Ecoregion *1verage high2low temperatures in 3anuary and
3uly! annual precipitation amounts! amount of precipitation that falls as snow! and
number of sunshine days,
..... *4, Elevation range *high! low! and average, for each ecoregion.
..... *4, Overall topography5Write a general description of how the topography of
each ecoregion was formed *e.g.! volcanic deposits! %ood sediments! etc.,.
..... *6, 1 short description of the general geography. *1s7 yourself! 8What would I
see if I were dropped in the middle of this ecoregion9:,
..... *6, E;plain the connection in each ecoregion between geography and
..... *6, Identify the dominant plant species in your ecoregion. *1t least <,
..... *6, =ame one or more rare plant species found in your ecoregion. Why is it
..... *6, =ame one or more invasive plant species that are a problem in your
ecoregion. E;plain why they are a problem.
..... *<, Identify > *or more, bird species that live in each ecoregion.
..... *<, Identify > *or more, mammal species that live in each ecoregion.
..... *<, Identify > *or more, other animal *reptile! amphibian! etc., that live in
each ecoregion.
..... *<, ?escribe the general land use categories for your ecoregion. *1gricultural!
forest! mining! residential! etc.,
..... *<, =ame and locate one *or more@, nature"based recreation area from your
..... *AB, Cotal
..... )ercentage
..... +etter Drade

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