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MUSI 4110/6110 Introduction to Counterpoint

Assignment Two: First Species Counterpoint

DUE: Tuesday 2 September, 2014

Name: _______________________
Date: ________________________

(1) Complete in 2 parts - First Species [MUSI-4110 and 6110]

(2) Complete in 2 parts - First Species [MUSI-6110 only]

(3) Complete in 3 parts - First Species [MUSI-4110 and 6110]

(4) Complete in 3 parts - First Species [MUSI-6110 only]

(5) Write your own Cantus Firmus and complete in 3 parts - First Species
[MUSI-4110 and 6110]

MUSI 4110 / 6110 Introduction to Counterpoint (University of Georgia) 2014

MUSI 4110 /

Introduction to Counterpoint (3cr)

09-058 12.30 1.45pm TR MUSI 412

ASSIGNMENT 2 Analysis (Orlando di Lasso)

Study Lassos Penitential Psalm no.5 (Psalm no. 102) Domine Exaudi Orationem
[Excerpt begins at: 40:05]
1. Analyze the tenor line from mm.1-14. Write a short summary of the shape and design of
this melody, commenting on the following elements:
a. Range/gamut
b. Pitch center(s)
c. Tonality (implied)
d. Use of significant structural pitch classes
e. Recurring motives, leaps or melodic figures
_____________________________________________________________________ [10 points]
2. Complete a reduction analysis of this melodic line on the manuscript below. Write a
short summary to support your answer:

[10 points]

______________________________________________________________________ [5 points]
3. Comment on the contrapuntal relationship between the Tenor and Quinta Vox (fifth
voice) parts. HINT: compare the melodic directions outlined in the first two measures of
each part.
______________________________________________________________________ [5 points]

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