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I. From about 3-6 months old magazines/newspapers/journals available in

SP librar!" ea#h group$ has to #hoose print media advertisements o% 3
energ!/in%rastru#ture #ompanies &Indian/International'. (ou are supposed
to #arr! out an anal!sis o% these advertisements in terms o% the %ollowing)
a' essage/*heme
b' *arget mar+et addressed
#' ,hether #orporate or produ#t based advertising
d' -n! other aspe#ts that !ou .nd spe#ial about the respe#tive advertisements
II. a+e an attempt to re%er some old magazines et#. /web-ar#hives &sa! one
!ear old' and .nd advertisements %or the same #ompanies that !ou
#hoose above. /omment on these two advertisements %or the same
#ompanies/brands over a period o% time and whether there has been an!
#hange in the advertizing #op!/theme/target mar+et/other %eatures et#.
III. -s a ne0t part o% this e0er#ise" !ou are re1uired to #arr! out a brand
elements anal!sis o% these three #ompanies brands that a group has
#hosen. (ou need to give !our opinion on the uni1ueness &or otherwise' o%
the brand elements asso#iated with these respe#tive brands.
I2. Further also visit the websites o% these #ompanies and attempt to get an
idea about the #ompanies strateg! o% utilizing the web as a tool %or brand
building. -lso .nd out what +ind o% other inter%a#es &in#luding so#ial
media' the #ompan! uses with its target mar+et to rein%or#e and build
their brand image.
*The groups are to be formed as follows:
4 students each in the ascending order of the roll numbers of students
that are pursuing the elective: Strategic Brand Management.
Note: All the groups are reuired to prepare brief report of the mini!
pro"ect in the soft cop# form and submit the same latest b# the last
session. Select presentations on random basis of this assignment shall be
held in the last two sessions of the course. $owever all the reports shall
indeed be graded.

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