Daniel Claggett - Historical Quote Interpretation

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Historical Quote Interpretation

Daniel Claggett
Block: 3

1. Quotation: History is a wheel, for the nature of man is fundamentally
unchanging. What has happened before will perforce happen again.
- George R.R Martin

2. George R.R Martin's quote about history portrays his idea that all throughout
history, the events that have shaped the world will inevitably happen once
again in the future; as the nature of man is unchanging. In the quote it explains
that the nature of man is fundamentally unchanging, meaning that even though
that we are moving forwards in the future, man will always be the same in
aspects such as personalities and human qualities. This quote shows that
Martin thought that any historical event, whether it is a genocide, or a war, it
will always occur sometime in the future.

3. George R.R. Martin was born September 20, 1948 in Bayonne, New Jersey.
Martin began writing at a very young age, selling stories to neighborhood
children for pennies. George R.R Martin began selling stories to amateur fan
magazines as his next step in his career. Martin went to Northwestern
University, in Evanston Illinois to complete his B.S in journalism, staying until
he received a M.S in journalism. Martin became a full time writer in 1979 until
his stories moved him into different positions in Hollywood such as story
editor and executive producer. George R.R Martin is currently in the process of
writing his series A Song of Ice and Fire, and is currently writing the 7th
installation. I believe that Martin would have said his quote as he has had an
incredible lifetime up until this point with all different types of experiences
giving him a vast amount of wisdom.

4. I chose this quote by George R.R Martin because I completely agree with the
topic and contents of the said quote. Within the quote it explains that history is
a wheel for the nature of man is unchanging, and what has happened in the past
will happen once again in the future. I believe the quote is correct, as man is
forever fundamentally unchanging; even if technology advances, people will
share the same ideals and commit acts that the human population deems
unacceptable. There will always be someone out there that doesn't share the
beliefs that his peers do, but rather someone in the past. Whether they believe
that a certain religion should not exist, or that depending on whom you are,
you deserve to be treated differently. Secondly the quote mentions that what
has happened in the past will happen once again in the future. From this quote
I have learned that people will always have their differences and what has
happened once in the past will indefinitely happen again in the future.

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