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Learning Experience 12- Awareness Poem: Using persuasive language to

convince an audience of an opinion.

Estimated Time: 40 minutes

Lesson Objectives:
Synthesise concepts into a small amount of words. VR6 vi
Consider relationships between reader and writer: WC6 i

Classroom Organisation: Individual work with students seated at their desks.


Poem Creator (Educational Technology Training Center, n.d.)

Student Experiences:

1. Discuss with students the impact that poems can have on people and the
way opinions and important messages can be expressed through using
this literary device.
2. Introduce students to the online poem creator and explain features.
3. Ask student to come up to the computer and fill in the spaces using an
example poem created prior to the lesson by the teacher. Discuss feelings
and emotions that are felt after reading the poem.
4. Reset the online creator and leave the page displayed on the board so that
it is visible for all children.
5. Students are to write their own poem. Imagine what a person who has
performed a harmful act that will affect the survival of endangered
species would say. For example: person dropping their rubbish in the
ocean, cutting down trees in the forest or hunting animals for fur.
6. Once completed, next to each line of the poem draw one picture/ symbol
that relates to the words in that sentence.
7. Select students to share their poems with the class.

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