I Can No Other Answer Make, But, Thanks, and Thanks So Thank You and A

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Honourable [name], Respected [name], Mr Chairman, our most valued invited guests, ladies and

gentlemen! I, on behalf of the Officers of Irrigation Department, and the entire fraternity of
Pakistanis at AIT extend a very hearty thanks to all for gracing us with this reception.
We are all inspired by your great words!
Today is indeed a very memorable day
Convey deep regards and hearty thanks to Her Excellency,
We are greatly encouraged by her gracious presence and immensely benefited by her
inspiring address.
We assure His Excellency to continue to work in the direction of betterment of our
department and the society. direct implications for your future
I would like to express our profuse thanks to AIT Administration for giving encouragement
by letting us to study at AIT and enabling us to have the international exposure of culture and
At the end, I once again thank Her Excellency, President of India, Honble Union Minister of Health &
Family Welfare and the distinguished assemblage in this auditorium for their august presence
amongst us on this historic occasion. We understand that you have taken time out of your very
important schedules to contribute to this workshop, and some of you have even traveled at very
short notice. Thank you for your invaluable contribution. And I will ended up with the William
Shakespeare quote:
I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks
So thank you and all that remains now is for me to wish you all a safe journey home.

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