WEBNotes - Day 5 - 2014 - US Mobilizes - War Industries Board

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Title: World War I Mobilization

Date: September 24, 2014

Write down the
Essential Question.
(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
On your whiteboards:

Write an inference
statement addressing
the purpose of this

Based upon
______________, I can
infer that the purpose of
this poster was ________
(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
0-5: Mobilize for war?

After the declaration of war in April of 1917,
President Wilson had the responsibility of
preparing the country for war.
This included military, economic, and social

This was a major task, considering the horrors of
the Great War were well known to Americans.

TWS - Make a prediction: What are 2 ways that you think the US
prepared for war at the home front? Explain!
CHALLENGE! What social issues do you think surrounded war
mobilization? (Hint: consider issues of race and gender)
(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
The United States mobilized
for war in a number of ways. They

1. Raising an Army
2. Mass Production of war materials
3. Selling War Bonds
4. Propaganda for Public Support
(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
TWS - Of the four items listed above, which do you think was
the most important for U.S. Mobilization? Which do you
think was the least important? Explain!
CHALLENGE! Analyze items #3 and #4. How do you think
they are linked? What role do you think they played in the
war for the United States?
Upon declaration of war, the
United States had not been
involved in a major conflict since
the small skirmish with Spain in
the Spanish-American War in

In 1917, only 200,000 men were enlisted in the US
military services
Few commanders had combat experience
(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
Analyze the image above:
1. From the image, how do you think the US solved this
problem? Explain!
2. Which of the four mobilization types that we just covered
do you think this would fall under? Justify!
0-5: Selective Service Act

Passed in 1917 and required men
to register with the government in order to be
randomly selected for military service.
By the end of 1918, 24 million men were registered.
3 million were called up and nearly 2 million troops
reached Europe before the war ended
1.5 million would see actual combat
One in five inductees were foreign-born

TWS How do you think this was met by society? Consider
race, immigration, and economic impact. Explain!
CHALLENGE! - Draw a connection: Based upon your
knowledge of the method of attrition, how do you think this
act influenced the dynamics of the war in Europe?

(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
Evaluating the Selective
Service Act

2 min. Do you think that
the government has a right
to require citizens to serve in the military?

Justify your response with at least 2 reasons.

Yes- By hallway door
No- By outside door
(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
Established 1917

Under leadership of Bernard M Baruch

Urged standardization of techniques

T/W/S What impact do you imagine this
had on the price and quality of goods?
What impact do you think it had on
consumers in the US?
(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
Industrial output increased
by 20% in the US

However because the WIB
controlled princes, retail
prices almost doubled

Corporate profits also rose
(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
0-5: War Bond?

A loan the government
takes out from the people
to pay for a War.

The US government needed
money to fund the mass production needed to fuel the war
effort in Europe.
They often used the concept of nationalism, pride in the
United States, to convince people to buy bonds
TWS - Analyze this piece of propaganda: What is the tone the artist
is intending to convey in this image? Purpose? Do you think this
was effective in achieving its desired result?
CHALLENGE! Other than buying war bonds, how do you think
women in the United States helped with the war effort? Explain!
(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
0-5: Propaganda?

A kind of biased communication designed to
influence peoples thoughts or actions

Similar to the advertisements used for war bonds,
the US government put out propaganda to
convince people to support the war effort

(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?

Analyze the image to
the right: What is this
propaganda trying to
convince people to do?

The US government
encouraged citizens to
conserve food and
supplies so there was
more available to send
to Europe for the war

(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
As- What is this piece of
propaganda trying to
make people feel?
Bs- What is this piece of
propaganda trying to
make people feel?

(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
Herbert Hoover
headed Up the Food

Every day alternated as meatless or wheatless

T/W/S From this cartoon what was
hooverizing? Explain!

Challenge What attitude did the author have
towards the food administration?
(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
Of course, the prime objective
of the United States in undertaking
the fight against famine in Europe
is to save the lives of starving
people. The secondary object,
however, and of hardly less
importance, [is] to defeat Anarchy,
which is the handmaiden of
Hunger. Herbert Hoover, 1919

T/W/S What was Herbert Hoovers
ultimate goal in sending food to Europe?
How do you think this message impacted
American citizens at home?

T/W/S What is a garden compared to in this poster? What
does that show about American priorities?
(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?
With the US mobilization,
the Allied forces proved to
be much stronger than the
Central Powers.

November 1918: Austria-Hungary surrendered to
the Allies

Germany surrendered days later after
experiencing mutinies against their leadership

0-5: Armistice?
A truce was established at the eleventh hour, of the
eleventh day, of the eleventh month of 1918, ending the
(1.2.f) SWBAT
identify and
analyze how
mobilization helped
shape the United
States during WWI.

DOL: Given an exit
card (80% accuracy)
SW 1. Answer 3
multiple choice
question. 2. Write a
SEEC paragraph on
the following topic:
U.S. Mobilization

EQ: What economic
impact did
mobilization have on
the United States
during World War I?

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