Major Wars: C. 1250 B.C. Trojan Wars

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Major wars

c. 1250 B.C. Trojan Wars

Mycenaeans v. Trojans

431-404 B.C. Peloponnesian War

Athens v. Sparta

264-241 B.C. First Punic

149-146 B.C. Third Punic War

Rome v. Carthage

1096-1099 B.C. First Crusade

1147-1149 B.C. Second Crusade

Saracens v. Christians over Palestine

1189-1192 B.C. Third Crusade

1202-1204 B.C. Forth Crusade
1337.1453 B.C. Hundred Years War
1455-1485 B.C. War of the Roses

England v. France
House of York v. House of Lancaster

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