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Cons Pros

1. Culturally Turkey is not

European, it is Islamic and
doesnt fit into the EU Christian
club. turkey is not rich enough
to join, it will cost taxpayers in
other countries more money if
turkey is allowed to come into
the EU.
1. Turkey is geographically
important, it is better equipped
to mediate the middle east
better than European countries.
2. People with Islamic beliefs
combining with other religions
in the EU could be bad because
the religions might not all get
2. Turkey would be a military
asset. It has 1500 military
personnel fighting in
Afghanistan, plus Turks already
changed to fit into the EU
already abolished the death
penalty and introduced tougher
measures against torture, it also
helps reforms for women and

3. Political Factors- Complaints
about turkey not being
respectful of human rights
based on the treatment of the
Armenians after WW1.

3. Key pipelines bring oil and
gas from Asia.
4. Theres cultural differences
and some countries are bigger
than others which makes it hard
to integrate.
4. Large amounts of Turkish
people are familiar with
European customs.

5. Allowing turkey to join would
allow a wave of immigrants into
5. Turkey joining the EU could
be a pro by the expansion of
religious beliefs.

6. Turkeys territorial claim on
northern Cyprus is not accepted
by Greece and others in Europe,
it would cause tension.
6. Opened up 13 other chapters
of the EU which made the laws
come together.
7. Turkey is a huge country, it
would excess too much power
in the EU.

8. There was protests, so the EU
governments blocked regional
policy and 6 people were killed
while 8,000 were injured.

#2 Part a.
Immigration has become a problem for the EU because its affecting the whole nation. The article states
that the immigrants have made the number of asylum seekers drop in recent years. They also said that
immigrants were the reason for high unemployment. This rate could be rising because Europe could be
using the immigrants to work for less money instead of paying a citizen of the country the appropriate
amount. Young immigrant women and children are often used as prostitutes.

The article also states that another reason why immigration is a problem for the EU because of
terrorism. It stated that the attack on 9/11 happened with 12 illegal citizens that made their way into
the US to make the attack happen. The article states that terrorism comes from people who are
immigrants to the country. This has made the countries tighten their boarder control to make sure it
doesnt happen.

Part b.
According to the Article, The Italian minister issued a 6 month permit for immigrants, hoping that
immigrants will come to Italy through the Italian government instead of through gangs. The Swedish
government doesnt want to restrict immigration because it believes in free movement between the
member states, it also thinks that the labor will build the Swedish economy. The British, French and
Germans have called for tighter border controls to reduce the amount of immigrants.

The British was all for the immigrants coming to their country. But this proved that the decision that was
made by the British was very controversial and didnt work as planned. Now the immigrants are forced
to apply for an asylum at their first point of entry. They do not wish to completely stop the movement of
immigrants but to regulate it.

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