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a. Blink reflex rapid eyelid closure when strong light is

b. Palmar grasp reflex solid object is placed on palm
and baby grasp object
- Purpose: cling to mother for safety (disappear by 6 weeks
2 months)

c. Step in/Walk-in Place Reflex neonate placed on a
vertical position with their face touching a hard surface will
take few quick, alternating steps.
- Placing Reflex: almost the same with step in place reflex
only that you are touching anterior surface of a newborns
d. Plantar grasp reflex when an object touches the sole
of a newborns foot at the base of toes, the toes grasp in the
same manner as fingers do (disappear by 8 9 months
in preparation for walking)

e. Tonic-neck-reflex when newborns lie on their backs,
their heads usually turn to one side or the other. The arm
and the leg on the side to which the head turns extend, and
the opposite arm and leg contract.

f. Moro reflex test for neurological integrity (jarring crib,
loud voice) assume a letter C position (disappear by 4 5

g. Magnet reflex when there is pressure at the sole of
the foot he pushes back against the pressure.

h. Crossed extension reflex when the sole of foot is
stimulated by a sharp object, it causes the foot to rise and
the other foot extend (test for spinal cord integrity)

i. Truck Incurvation reflex while in prone position and
the paravertical area is stimulated, it causes flexion of the
trunk and swing his pelvis toward the touch.

j. Landau reflex while prone position and the trunk is
being supported, the baby exhibit some muscle tone (test
for muscle tone and present by 6 9 months)

k. Parachute reaction while on ventral suspension with
the sudden change of equilibrium, it causes extension of the
hands and legs (present by 6 9 months)

l. Babinski reflex when the sole of foot is stimulated by
an inverted J, it causes fanning of toes (disappear by 2
months but may persist up to 2 years)

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