3BibangcoKarlsArchie TheOutsidersNewspaperArticle

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KarlsArchieBibangco50cents Semptember231968

Burning Church on Windrixville

TULSA, Oklahoma>> Kids

with bad reputations become heroes. In
the Fall of 1968 September 22, Ponyboy
Curtis and Johnny Cade rescued five
children from a burning church. The
burning church was on Windrixville. The
two kids went inside the church and

Curtis, and Cade saw the burning
church from the top the hill on Jay
Mountain and thought that they have
started it. When they saw it they rushed
to the church and a lady said Jerry,
some of the kids are missing. Suddenly
someone yelled from inside the church
and they found out that five kids was

The three Curtis brothers

Curtis and Cade went inside from a

side window and found the children at
the back of the church, so they
carried one kid at a time to the

Curtis and Cade was using the church

as a hiding place for five days after
Cade had killed Bob Sheldon, a rich
teenager who lives at the West side.
Sheldon and his friends saw Cade and
Curtis at a park and jumped on them
Curtis almost drown on a pool
,because he was being drowned by
Sheldon. Cade took out a switchblade
and stabbed Sheldon and he died and

Curtis, Cade, and Dallas Winston was

injured and was sent to the hospital.
Winston and Cade got seriously
injured during the rescue. Curtis was
not seriously injured and went back
home. After a few days Cade, one of
the hero, had died in the hospital.
After that Winston died when he
robbed a supermarket and he got shot

Curtis was the hero that was still

alive. Curtis is fourteen and has two
brothers Sodapop Curtis, A sixteen

Darrel Curtis ,his older brother which

is also his guardian in a way. The
three brothers has always stick


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1. "Pakistani Church and
School Burned." Pakistani
Church and School
Burned. N.p., n.d. Web. 11
2. "Longwhitekid."
Longwhitekid. N.p., n.d.
3. "About." Three Guys
Productions. N.p., n.d.

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