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Proposed Revision to Policy JICI Weapons in
Schools (second reading)
Assistant Superintendent Denise Bartlett presented the
second reading of proposed revisions to the weapons
in schools policy. A change in language will make it
clearer that this policy applies to students. Additional
language included a statement about receiving
authorization from the superintendent along with a
change in wording from dangerous weapon to
dangerous instrument. The board approved the
revisions as presented.

Proposed Revision to Policy KFA Public Conduct
on School Property (second reading)
Dr. Bartlett presented the second reading of proposed
revisions to the public conduct on school property
policy. The board approved the recommended addition
of general language to provide the district with the
option of taking action against individuals who violate
this policy up to and including exclusion from district

Proposed Revisions to Policy KI Visitors to
Schools (second reading)
Dr. Bartlett presented the second reading of proposed
revisions to the visitors to schools policy. A proposed
language addition included, No person, other than one
who is a peace officer shall carry or possess a weapon
on school premises. The board approved the
revisions as presented.

Consent Agenda Items
The governing board approved the following consent
agenda items.

September 9, 2014, Regular Governing Board
Meeting Minutes Memorandum
Field Trip Request Memorandum
Expense Voucher Memorandum
Personnel Memorandum
Gift and Donations Memorandum
Award of IFB#15-01-20 District Pest Control
Services Memorandum
Family Faculty Organization & Booster Club
Bylaws Memorandum

Upcoming Board Meeting
The next regularly scheduled governing board meeting
is Tuesday October 14, 2014, 6:30 p.m., Catalina
Foothills High School, Building 4, Room 712.

The tentative agenda is:
Approval of Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Financial
Annual Bond and Capital Override Report
Report on ASBA County Workshop

Please welcome new CFSD staff members:

Bodil Degginger, EA Inclusion, VV
Jennifer Clark, CARE Activity Leader II,
Community Schools
Trissy Coppens, CARE Inclusion EA, Community
Jeffery Fagan, CS Educational Extension
Instruction, Community Schools
Amy Orchard, CS Instructor-Adult, Community
Olivia Ray, CS Instructor-Adult, Community Schools
Le Huy, Volunteer, Community Schools
Nicholas Kovacs, Volunteer, Community Schools
Benjamin Subeck, Volunteer, Community Schools
Yasmin Maura, EA Inclusion, MZ & Community
Matthew Rodecker, CARE Activity Leader II,
Community Schools
Dina Jay, Art Teacher, CFHS
David Lemon, Head Coach Girls Soccer, CFHS
Amilcar Velasquez, Asst. Coach Girls Soccer, CFHS
A Su mma r y Re p o r t o f t h e Se p t e mb e r 2 3 , 2 0 1 4
CF SD Governing Board Meeting

T h e B o a r d e r
A Publ i cati on for
the CFSD Staff

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