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1he Lv|dence-8ased Dec|s|on Mak|ng In|t|at|ve

A koadmap for hase II
(repar|ng to Imp|ement the L8DM Iramework)
Core Act|v|t|es L|ke|y Act|on Steps
(Cthers may be added, where needed)
8y the end of the hase II, the
L8DM S|te w||| have.
8u||d a genu|ne, co||aborat|ve
po||cy team.
AdmlnlsLer a pollcy Leam
collaboraLlon survey (one or
more Llmes).
LsLabllsh ground rules and
operaLlng norms.
uevelop a shared vlslon
ArLlculaLe roles and
responslblllLles of Leam
uevelop Cne Less" lndlvldual
sLaLemenLs and a Leam documenL
LhaL reflecLs Lhese sLaLemenLs.
1ake oLher sLeps Lo
bulld/enhance Lhe collaboraLlve
cllmaLe of Lhe pollcy Leams.
a hlghly funcLlonlng collaboraLlve
pollcy Leam.
a shared vlslon for Lhe crlmlnal
[usLlce sysLem.
a Lrack record of meanlngful
Leam accompllshmenLs.
8u||d |nd|v|dua| agenc|es that
are co||aborat|ve and |n a
state of read|ness for change.
AdmlnlsLer an agency-based
collaboraLlon survey (one or
more Llmes).
Lngage sLaff ln Lhe L8uM
lnlLlaLlve ln speclflc, purposeful
ways (e.g., esLabllsh an lnLernal
worklng Leam Lo collecL
lnformaLlon, provlde lnpuL, and
asslsL ln speclflc ob[ecLlves).
uevelop speclflc acLlon lLems Lo
address learnlngs from Lhe
agencles LhaL demonsLraLe a
collaboraLlve cllmaLe and
readlness for change.
an engaged sLaff LhaL provldes
meanlngful, ongolng lnpuL lnLo
evldence-based pollcy and
pracLlce changes.
Understand current pract|ce
w|th|n each agency and across
the system.
uevelop a sysLem map.
ConducL pollcy/pracLlce
assessmenL around each declslon
polnL Lo deLermlne Lhe use of
pracLlces/declslon maklng and
conLlnuous quallLy lmprovemenL
(CCl) compeLencles.
CaLher basellne daLa.
ldenLlfy sLrengLhs/challenges and
LargeLs of change.
a full undersLandlng of Lhe basls
upon whlch declslons are made
aL key polnLs wlLhln and across
a seL of agreed-upon sLrengLhs.
a seL of agreed-upon LargeLs for

Understand and have the
capac|ty to |mp|ement
ev|dence-based pract|ces.
AdmlnlsLer a knowledge survey
Lo Lhe pollcy Leam and agency
Assess sLaff skllls ln core
compeLency areas.
uevelop speclflc sLraLegles Lo
augmenL knowledge and
compeLencles, where needed.
a common undersLandlng of Lhe
research (and lLs llmlLaLlons)
across all relevanL agencles/sLaff.
an undersLandlng of Lhe
lmpllcaLlons of Lhese flndlngs for
fuLure pollcy and pracLlce.
Deve|op |og|c mode|s. uevelop a sysLem model. sound and LesLable loglc models
aL Lhe sysLem level.
Lstab||sh performance
measures, determ|ne
outcomes, and deve|op a
system scorecard.
Agree on key deflnlLlons (e.g.,
recldlvlsm," probaLlon
uevelop scorecard
ldenLlfy performance measures.
Assess daLa sysLem
capaclLy/collecLlon meLhods.
8ulld capaclLy, where needed.
a seL of agreed-upon
performance measures LhaL wlll
enable an ob[ecLlve, emplrlcal
evaluaLlon of Lhe effecLlveness of
Lhe [usLlce sysLem agencles ln
achlevlng Lhelr agreed vlslon.
benchmarks agalnsL whlch
longer-Lerm ouLcomes can be
meLhods Lo collecL and analyze
daLa on an ongolng basls Lo
lnform pollcy and pracLlce.
a sysLemwlde scorecard
Lngage and ga|n the support
of a broader set of
stakeho|ders and the
ConducL a publlc oplnlon survey.
Complle lnformaLlon/a clear seL
of messages Lhe Leam and
lndlvldual sLakeholders can use Lo
lnform and engage Lhe
ueflne Lhe deslred role of Lhe
communlLy ln [usLlce sysLem
ldenLlfy lndlvlduals/groups wlLhln
Lhe communlLy who are
approprlaLe for ouLreach.
a sLraLegy for engaglng
addlLlonal sLakeholders and Lhe
communlLy ln meanlngful
dlalogue abouL Lhe vlslon/goals
of Lhe [usLlce sysLem, Lhe sLaLe of
knowledge and research, and Lhe
sysLem's performance ln
achlevlng Lhese goals.
Deve|op a strateg|c act|on
p|an for |mp|ementat|on.
ConducL an analysls of poLenLlal
barrlers Lo lmplemenLaLlon.
uevelop a plan of acLlon for
lmplemenLlng speclflc pollcy and
pracLlce changes-who, whaL,
when, where, how.
a clear, speclflc, measurable plan
for lmplemenLlng pollcy and
pracLlce changes LhaL advance
evldence-based declslon maklng
and furLher supporL Lhe
achlevemenL of Lhe [usLlce
sysLem's vlslon and goals.

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