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KidLife Nursery Ministry

KidLife Nursery Ministry

be a blessing to our little Blessings!
be a blessing to our little Blessings!
The KidLife Nursery Ministry is an amazing ministry that is always growing!
Literally! Come and join the team of dedicated and friendly volunteers who
staff the nurseries on Sundays and Wednesdays! This a great place to get
your feet wet in service here at Life Church; the commitment level is low
once a month, for the next four months, no preparation is necessary
beforehand for your time of service and the crowd your serving is very
generous with smiles, giggles and high fives! Couples are encouraged to serve
together as well as parents and their teens! After you sign up, you will be
given a background check to fill out, also. You will then be placed on the next
quarters schedule which runs from May through August. At this time
volunteer training is done on a one on one basis; our nursery coordinator will
work with you and get you the information you need.

Phone Number________________________________________

____ I would like to serve one Sunday a month
____ I would like to serve one Wednesday a month
____ I would like to serve both a Sunday and a Wednesday
____ We are a couple or a Parent/Teen Duo willing to serve
Theses are the dates I already know I am not available:
Turn form in to Church Office, Julie Cheatham,
Pastor Tiffany (721-4996) or Place in basket on Info Table!

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