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Useful Mandarin Chinese phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Mandarin Chinese. Click on the English phrases to see them in
many other languages. The phrases are shown in traditional Chinese characters first, then in
simplified characters in [square brackets] and pinyin in (brackets).


/ / (Mandarin Chinese)


[] (hunyng gungln)


(n ho) - inf
(nn ho) - frm
(wi) - on phone

How are you?

? [] (n ho ma)

I'm fine, thanks. And


(w hn ho, n ne)

Long time no see

[] (hoju bjin)

What's your name?

[] (nn guxng dmng) (frm)

[] (n jio shnme mngzi)

My name is ...

... (w xng ...) ... (w jio ...)

Where are you from?

[] (n sh cng nli/nr li de)

[] (n sh ngurn)

I'm from ...

... (w sh cng ... li de)

... (w sh ... rn)

Pleased to meet you

[ ] (hn goxng rnshi n)

[] (w hn goxng gn n
jinmin) [] (xnghu)

Good morning

(zon) (zoshngho)
(zochnho) (nzo)

Good afternoon


Good evening

(wnn) (wnshngho)

Good night



[] (zijin) (bibi)

Good luck

(zh n hoyn)

Cheers/Good health!

! [!] (gn bi) - lit. "dry glass"

Bon appetit

(mnmn ch!) - eat slowly

[] (qng mn yng) - please eat slowly
[] (qng r x) - please be seated - frm

Bon voyage

[] (ylshnfng)
[] (ylpngn)
[] (yfnfngshn)

I don't understand

[] (w tngbdng)
(w bdng), (w b mngbai)

Please say that again

[] (mfn n zi shu ybin)

[] (qng n zi shu
yc ho ma?)

Please speak more


(mfan n jing mn ydin)

Please write it down

, []
(Mfan n xi yxi, ho b ho?)

Do you speak English?

[] (n hu shu yngy ma?)

[] (n hu jing yngy ma?)

Do you speak

(n hubhu jing guy/huy/ptnghu?)

Yes, a little

[] (hu, ydindin/ydinr)

How do you say ...

in Mandarin?

... [... ]
(... zhngwn znme shu)

Excuse me

[] qngwn - to attract attention (lit. "may I ask")

[] dubq - asking people to move

How much is this?

[?] (Zhge dusho qin?)


[] dubq boqin

Thank you

[] (xixie)
[] (gnxi n)
() (fichng gnxi (n))


[] (b kqi)
[] (b yng xi)
[] (mi gunxi)
[] (mi wnt)

Where's the toilet?

[] csu zi nli?
[] xshujin zi nli?

This gentleman/lady
(zhiwi xinsheng hu qngdn/midn) - gentleman
will pay for everything [/]
(zhiwi nsh hu qngdn/midn) - lady
Would you like to
dance with me?

(n yo b yo gn w tiow)

I love you

[] (w i n)

Get well soon

[] (kui din ho la)

(zh nn zor kngf)

Leave me alone!

! [!] (byo dro w)

! (bi gun w)


! (jumng !)
! (hu a!)
! (tng!) ! (tngxi!)
! [] (tng ch) when in vehicle
! (zhnzh) to someone on foot
(lzhng) - halt! used by the military

Call the police!

! (jio jngch)

Merry Christmas

[ ]

and Happy New Year

(shngdn kuil xnnin kuil)

[] (gngx fci) - used at Chinese New Year

Happy Easter

[] (fhuji kuil)

Happy Birthday

[] (shngr kuil)

My hovercraft is full of
(W de qdinchun zhungmn le shny)
Why this phrase?
One language is never

( yzhng yyn yngyun bgu)

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