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Ms Guza

Topics to be covered
Processes of Science
Life Science: Cells and Systems
Physical Science: Fluids & Dynamics and
Earth and Space Science: ater Systems
Evaluation and Assessment
Homework & activities
!must "e completed in order to #rite $uizzes and tests!
Labs/Assignments 30%
Quizzes 10%
Unit Assessment (Test or ro!ect" #0%
Notes, Worksheets & Textbook Work
%ou #ill "e as&ed to use a speci'c duotan() or a section in your "inder) for all of
your math #or&*
+ll pa(es #ill "e hole punched and put in the duotan( or "inder*
+ll pa(es #ill ha,e your name) "loc&) and date*
or& #ill "e completed in your neatest possi"le hand#ritin() printin( or
#ord processes*
Homework and Assignments
-ome#or& should "e e.pected) althou(h / #ill pro,ide some class0time for most
#or&* /f you use your time producti,ely you #ill ha,e minimal home#or&* /n order
to encoura(e success and (ood #or& ethic) / #ill not allo# any student to #rite a
test if he or she has any missin( #or&* /f you ha,e incomplete #or& you may "e
as&ed to stay in at lunch*
Quies and Tests
%ou #ill "e (i,en small 1023 $uestion $uizzes throu(hout the year* 4hese $uizzes
#ill "e used to help you &eep trac& of your pro(ress and understandin(* +t the
end of each chapter5unit you #ill "e (i,en a 'nal assessment* /f you do "etter on
the 'nal assessment than you did on any $uizzes) / #ill not count the $uiz scores*
6e sure to fre$uently chec& Ms Guza7s #e"site*
Science 8 Course
E.pert 9+:
Practitioner 96:
+pprentice 9C;:
<o,ice 9C5C0:
<ot %et Meetin(
Ms Guza
+ll home#or& assi(nments) due dates and important information #ill "e posted
E.tra copies of #or&sheets) assi(nments and criteria #ill "e a,aila"le to do#nload
and print*

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