Quiz Carbon Compound 3

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Name: Form: Chemistry_abc@hotmail.

com SPM

Quiz Carbon Compound 3

1. Which of the following pairs of compounds are in the same homologous series?

Compound 1 Compound 2
A. C2H4 C4H10
B C2H6 C6H6

2. The molecular formula of an organic compound is C4H10. Which of the following is the isomer for the above molecular formula?

3. The following equation represents the reaction between propene and bromine.

Propene + Br2 X

What is the IUPAC name of compound X?

A Tetrabromopropane B 1-bromopropane C 1,1-dibromopropane D 1,2-dibromopropane

4. Diagram below shows the set-up of apparatus to prepare an organic compound in the laboratory

Which of the following statements are true about the experiment?

I The water is in from X and is out from Y.
II Concentrated sulphuric acid is used as a catalyst.
III The distillate collected is an ester
IV The porous pot chips are added to prevent bumping when boiling the mixture.

A I and II B I and IV C I, II and III D II, III and IV

Name: Form: Chemistry_abc@hotmail.com SPM

5. Part of the structure of polymer is shown below .

Which of the following is the monomer of the polymer?

6. Diagram 5.1 shows the conversion of organic compounds from one homologous series to another.

(a)(i) Name the reaction that occurs in Conversion I

(ii) Name the reagent used in Conversion II.

(b) Write the chemical equation for Conversion II

(c) Name the catalyst used in Conversion III

(d) Acidified potassium dichromate (VI) solution is used for Conversion IV.
(i) State the observation for this reaction

(ii) Write the chemical equation for Conversion IV

(e) In conversion V, ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid to produce X.
(i) Name the reaction in Conversion V

(ii) State one physical properties of X

(iii) Name and draw the structural formula for X.

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