Student: Group: Ingles Basico Institute: Cestec Peru: 1. Affirmative

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1. Affirmative

I was working
You were working
He, she, it was working
We, you, they were working

2. Negative:

I was not (wasn't) working
You were not (weren't) working
He, she, it was not (wasn't) working
We, you, they were not (weren't) working

3. Interrogative:

Was working?
Were you working?
Was he, she, it working?
Were we, you, they working?

4. Uses:

An incomplete action in progress at a specific time in the past.

An incomplete action interrupted by another action.

Two incomplete actions taking place at the same time in the past

5. Examples:

Last years he was working as a waitress

Bill was cooking dinner when someone knocked at the door.

They were listening to music while they were sunbathing.

6. Time expressions:

At eight o'clock, last month, last year, when, while, as

7. Grammar of the affirmative form:

Subject + was/were + the verb in gerund.

I was working yesterday (yo estuve trabajando ayer)
She was studying last month (ella estuvo estudiando elmes pasado)
It was snowing last year. Estuvo nevando el ao pasado.
Note: Para fenmenos meteorolgicos el sujeto es siempre "It".
They were looking for you.(Ellas/oste estuvieron buscando)

8. Grammar of the negative form

Subject + was/were + not + the verb in gerund

She was not (wasnt) working. (Ella no estuvo trabajando.)
- She didnt live here (ella no vivi aqu)

9. Grammar of the interrogative form

Was/Were + subject + the verb in gerund + ?

Was she working last year? (Estuvo ella trabajando el ao pasado?)

El "Past Continuous" se forma igual que el "Present Continuous" pero cambiando "am/is/are" por
"was/were" y sirve para hablar del pasado poniendo nfasis en que la accin se prolong en el
tiempo. Equivale en espaol a la estructura: Yo/T..estuve/estuviste... + verbo principal acabado
en ando/endo. Por ejemplo: Yo estuve durmiendo.

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