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What They Don't Want You To Know
On September 11
2001, the World changed forever The War on Terror began.

Welcome, ladie and gentleman to the !"#t $entury. We are li%ing in an era of
lie, deceit and terror. The people ha%e &een indoctrinated &y the ytem. '
ytem which e%ery day &eam out crap and lie to it' people and ha
uccefully created a ociety on the &rin( of dytopia. )n thi ociety, cience
and in particular chemitry i e%il. Terror and exaggerated tale of %iolent crime
i the catalyt for the remo%al of &aic right, a well a a catalyt for ena&ling
$$T* and other method of pying and monitoring the people they fear.
Without further ado ) preent to you 'What They Don't Want You To Know'. '
guide loo(ing at 'e%il' criminal acti%ity and way of ucceeding in the epic ta(
of committing a crime and getting away with it. +%entually thi ,D- will
contain mammoth amount of information on crime, e%aion, &aic computer
'hac(ing', yntheizing and uing exploi%e whether they &e .+' or &aic
pyrotechnic. ' well a that they'll alo &e ection dedicated to ro&&ery and
weaponry too.
Thi i not an afternoon wor(.
Ta&le 4f $ontent
The $riminal /ule
$aching and #tahing
/e%enge 5 ' guide to petty mayhem and %engeance
4T/ 5 )n the age of 'the 6rid'.
.int for criminal in the !"#t $entury
' ,erfect 7urder8
9i&liography : Tid&it
$hec( out;
')nanely $riminal'' 9log
Th0r' .ome ,age <
8 < Draft $hapter
The $riminal /ule
' few of you might &e wondering right now, what an earth are The $riminal /ule
doing in Th0r' ,D-= ) mean )'%e read them and ta(en note of what wa aid. The (ey i thi
i what you ha%e done. We get too many pot on underground forum where people ha%e
>ut gone ahead and done omething on a whim ignoring the painta(ing wor( ) pent in
term of reearching what the lat idiot did wrong and compiling a lit of rule deigned to
ma(e ure you don't ma(e the ame mita(e a the one &efore. Thee rule are &eing placed
here in order to ma(e ure more people read them and u&e?uently get in le hit.
The &elow are a collection of ome of the mot %alua&le rule to any criminal.
' time follow thi will no dou&t &e amended. ) &elie%e it i eential that e%ery
@$areerA and @'mateurA criminal follow the rule &elow. )n order to e%ade arret, >ail
and other complication that may reult from committing a crime.
". Never trust anythng untl t has been proven. 0e%er trut anything anyone ay, until they ha%e
pro%ided you with e%idence of it wor(ing. ' lot of tuff in our modern day ociety pread &y hear
ay. )f you arenAt ure a&out omething, a( and reearch uing a li&rary or perhap the )nternet.
!. !l"ays loo# at practcalty. .ow eay and practical i it to do thi or that etc. ' lot of thee far
fetched criminal plan wonAt &e practical and %ery difficult to carry out. )f it i not practical and
difficult it i pro&a&ly &et not doing it.
B. $oo# at every aspect. Coo( at e%ery ingle potential hitch that could occur. +%en if it i unli(ely
to go wrong or to happen, till ta(e it into conideration. +xampleD You plan to hold up a general
tore, &ut you li%e in an area full of 6un nut and $$W holder. )t i poi&le that omeone with a
$$W will try to ta(e you outE therefore you hould &e cautiou and ta(e appropriate meaure.
F. %se your resources to your advantage. ) gue thi tie in with /ule 0um&er -i%e &ut alway ue
what you ha%e to your ad%antage when planning a crime. You ha%e to thin( GWhat can thi do=H
and G$an it help me=H 'n example would &e uing 6oogle 7ap to find ecape route from an
armed ro&&eryI
J. &no" everythng about your target. )f you are committing a large cale fraud &ut only uing one
peronA identity it would &e &et to find out e%erything a&out them uing your reource. )f you
were going to ro& a GKwi(<+<7artH find out e%erything a&out their ecurity ytem and how to
&ypa them.
2. 'over your trac#s. 9efore committing any crime thin( how K'nd de%elop a plan.L to co%er your
trac(, for example remo%ing anything from your ,$, cleaning up any clothe you could ha%e ued,
or $redit $ard you ha%e recei%ed in omeone eleA name.
M. (nd places to hde or)and store your tems. -ind a place that i not your home to tah item. )f
your houe i raided in connection with letA ay, fraud the firt thing the cop will loo( for i $redit
$ard, &an( tatement the li(e. They will pro&a&ly loo( for computer and $DA a well. )t i
eential you ha%e thing tored afely and away from your property. You could alo perhap rent a
torage unit Kunder an aumed nameL too tore thing in.
N. *repare for the aftermath. 'fter a ro&&ery or any other crime it i eential you ha%e a plan orted
for the aftermath. You need to find out where you can tore item K#ee /ule ML, who you can offload
item too, where and how to dipoe of e%idence etc. 0ot too mention the &igget thing. .ow to
launder the moneyI
3. Never trust anyone. Thi relate a lot to the %ery firt rule, &ut it i on a different le%el. Do not tell
anyone that you were &ehind any criminal acti%ity. $op in%etigating you ha%e way of
manipulating people K0ot to mention %ariou other method.L into telling them what they want.
$riminal &eing ?uetioned are the mot %ulnera&le to thi treatment, &ecaue if $op ha%e e%idence
of their wrong doing they will gi%e all to a%oid a cutodial entence.
"0. +o not attempt anythng beyond your s#ll level. Thi i where mot people ha%e trou&le,
epecially @'mateur $riminalA. 9uild on your (ill until you are confident, ?uic( thin(ing and
ha%e the (nowledge. The ame applie for other in a gang. )f you donAt thin( they are up for the >o&
train them in the (ill they need to learn and1or &etter them in thoe (ill, until you &elie%e them
ready to underta(e the ta( at hand.
"". &eep your frends close but your accomplces closer. Know what your accomplice are up too at
all time. 0e%er ma(e the mita(e of placing full trut into your accompliceE it ha the potential to
&e diatrou. Time and time again we ha%e een good men fall &ecaue of their accomplice
informing the enemy on their plan.
"!.,e"are of the *olce. The police are the criminalA num&er one enemy. They hould alway &e
treated with cautionE you mut not thin( they (now nothing &ecaue a ) ha%e pre%iouly explained
your accomplice, friend or e%en a family mem&er could ha%e ent you on a one way tic(et to prion.
)f you ee any ign of a cop wal( lowly away &efore running do not go immediately home or to
your car. There i a good chance the cop could &e waiting for you.
"B.%se brutal force. )n an armed ro&&ery terrify and threaten people. Oe tactic that are o %iciou
they will &e cared tiff and will not tetify againt you or your accomplice.
"F. %se strength to your advantage. )n a way connected with the a&o%e GruleH. 6o in all gun
&lazing. Thi will ma(e the people you are holding up a hell of a lot more compliant with your
demand. )t will alo care the li%ing hit out of the cop. When the cop are cared of you they will
let you get away.
"J. !l"ays ta#e advantage of people-s stupdty. Thi can &e applied on %ariou le%el. You could
con %ariou people in pu& or &arE you could extract information out of people and ue it for
igning up to credit card. #ome people might alo thin( threatening omeone with a 99 gun i
ta(ing ad%antage of omeoneA tupidity. )f you thin( that i the cae you are mita(en. )t i tupid
hit li(e that that will get you loc(ed up.
"2. ,e fast. )t i eential to ha%e peed in any ro&&ery &ut in an ur&an en%ironment li(e a city
where there inAt a patrol car o%er three minute dri%e away. ,art of &eing fat i ha%ing a fat car or
other mean of ecape. 7a(e it clear when carrying out a ?uic( ro&&ery that non<compliance will
reult in cone?uence for the people in%ol%ed.
"M. When scammng never use anythng that could be ln#ed to you. When you &uild or purchae a
computer when the 4perating #ytem a( you to type in a name for 6od a(e donAt enter Pohn
Doe if your name i Pohn Doe. Oe a name li(e Peu $hrit or Cord Cucan. 'lo donAt ue your
own )nternet connection when applying for $redit $ard &ecaue mot ma>or &an( are &ound to
(eep ), log, and what that ), did. +%en when piggy&ac(ing off omeone eleA connection &e ure
to ue a ,roxy a that will >ut low the ,olice in%etigation.
"N. Never nvest the proceeds n a ,an#. 0e%er in%et the proceed of crime you ha%e committed
into &an( account. )f you do that put the money into o%er ea account regitered in the name of
children under three. )t will ma(e it loo( li(e a trut fund.
"3. +eny everythng. Opon arret ay nothing. 0o %er&al a&ue or anything of that nature. #ay
nothing. )f you tal( you are potentially gi%ing them e%idence to charge you. The amount of people
who ha%e got away with a crime &y aying G0o $ommentH mut &e pretty huge. )n an inter%iew
with the ,olice aying anything can &e incriminating and will &e ued againt you. )t alo gi%e you
a clean late to wor( on in court if it e%er come to that.
!0. *lan for the event of falure. ' lot of crime fail, &ut it i all part of the learning proce. ,lan
where and how you will run, how to hide and e%ade the law. Thi tie in with the G'lway ha%e a
&ac( up planH concept.
!". *ractce. -or example. )f you intend to &rea( into a houe %ia mean of loc( pic(ing ne%er turn
up at the target houe with a &ump (ey and thin( you will get in. ,ractice o you (now the drill and
can carry it out uccefully.
!!. ,e "ary of moble communcaton. 7o&ile communication may well lip you up. Keep call
hort and liten for &ac(ground noie in relation to the peron you are on the phone too. DonAt let
people tall you and (eep you on the phone for longer. 'lo (eep multiple #)7 $ard and to a%oid
&eing trac(ed remo%e the phone &attery. 'lo ne%er call from a landline or a pay phone unle you
are ure the other peron i not &eing watched. ' it i a fixed location they will (now where you
are, intantly. 5 'lo ne%er lea%e anwer phone meage, itA a recipe for diater.
!B. *rotect ones self. 'lway ue a form of protection legal or illegal whilt committing a crime.
,refera&ly a weapon that would &e o%erloo(ed &y a ,olice officer. #o donAt pull a 7c*eigh and end
up &eing arreted for carrying a loaded handgun and then get charged with a much larger crime.
'lo it might &e worth learning a martial art, li(e Kra% 7aga. Why= Put &ecaue you donAt ha%e
the upper hand it doe not mean you cannot defeat the enemy. )n many way thi rule lin( in with
the whole G9e ,reparedH idea.
!F. .ducate ones self. 'nother (ill that mut &e applied to e%ery criminal and ur%i%alit i thiI
' &aic one at that. #elf<+ducation and alo not relying on other to help you. There will
undou&tedly &e time in the criminal career where there i no one to run to, and no where to hide.
Thi i a ituation where one mut apply all the (ill that he learned and if you are one of thee
people who cannot ue 6oogle for hit, and ha to contantly a( other people for the anwer when
it i o&%iou, then you are in trou&le. )n fact you are fuc(ed. 4ne mut learn e%ery eential
@$riminalA (ill. That range from loc( pic(ing to contructing an )mpro%ied +xploi%e De%ice
K)+DL and e%en hoplifting. /eading i an important part of the learning proce, granted &ut
applying the (ill you ha%e learned i e%en more importantI
!J. *lan e/tensvely. 'nother thing that tie in with /ule !0 < G,lan for the e%ent of failureH. )f you
are ro&&ing a &an( loo( at e%ery angle of the area around the &an(. $arry out a recon K'K' $ae
the place.L the &an( exteni%ely loo(ing for ecurity lape, flaw and thing that might dirupt your
plan or caue pro&lem. 'lo analye other imilar crime and thin( a&out how and what you are
going to do with the profit.
!2. Try to be stealthy. The ooner the ,olice (now a&out your operation the wore. Why= 9ecaue
they can &ecome in%ol%ed ?uic(er in the proceeding and thu maximie the amount of trou&le they
gi%e you. 9y limiting the amount of other illegal acti%itie you do &efore a crime or pacing out the
other crime will help you in the long runI
!M. 0ave a roc# sold alb. That i right, ha%e an ali&i that i roc( olid or one that will at leat
delay the ,olice in%etigation. )t i a regular occurrence that in trying to dipro%e the upect ali&i,
the ,or( will mi other %ital clue.
!N. 'reate nothng unnecessary that could be used as .vdence of llegal or borderlne llegal
actvtes. Thi mean donAt ma(e %ideo recording of a 9:+ or ta(e picture your latet haped
'007 $harge &efore and after the Det.
!3. Sounds Too 1ood To ,e True2 5 )t ,ro&a&ly ). 7ot thing in life are li(e thi. #ound too good
to &e true= Then it pro&a&ly i; Oe your own (nowledge on what the ource i tal(ing a&out and
the relia&ility of the ource. 4ne example would &e a new outlet dicuing a type of ecurity. )f
theyAre tal(ing a&out how wea( the type of ecurity i you mut ue your own (nowledge of the
type of ecurity and the (nown relia&ility of what the media outlet i preenting.
B0. 3a#e sure people only #no" "hat they have to #no"4 9y only telling people what they need to
(now, on a need to (now &ai you inure that you retain uperiority a&o%e the people in ?uetion
and maximum control of any ituation.
B". 'ase the place. -airly elf explanatory. $arry out a recon on e%ery target. Tie in nicely with
/ule QJ.
$aching and #tahing
$aching and #tahing i an eential ta( for the &udding criminal, amateur or pro, a well
a anyone intereted in the topic of ur%i%alim. The criminal will need to cache money and
weapon and tah drug in order to ucceed with %ariou ta(. The ur%i%alit will want to
cache money, weaponry and other good, uch a food o that when1if #.T- he' good to
)'ll tart off &y ma(ing a &aic aumption. You ha%e a&o%e a%erage intellect and any crime
you commit will not &e a petty 'run of the mill' type crime which net you e%eral hundred to
a thouand unit of currency. ) aume we're tal(ing much larger um of money. 7oney in
note format rot in improper condition.
$ae #tudy
The a&o%e i an example of uch a cenario.
/etard tole R".M 7illion O# Dollar from their own ecuricar too. S6ood tart;T
'rgua&ly that' a fairly epic amount.
They cached R".J 7il, alo an epic amount and got &uted with R!00K. They cached the
money improperly and what a urprie. R".J 7illion dollar rotted away;
They &uried the money in a wamp, ix inche under and pro&a&ly in omething li(e &in
&ag, which i ne%er a good idea.
The 9aic
$urrency in the #tate and the OK ha%e erial num&er. You'%e tolen U1R!0K. SThe amount
actually doen't matter. )'%e choen !0K &ecaue mathematically it fit &etter.T
You'%e got a ma>or pro&lem. You made a mall fuc(up on the >o& S'gain the >o& pecific
don't actually matter, &ut we're tal(ing &an( ro&&ery, armored car theft. #imilar to the cae
tudy ) >ut preented.T and you (now it won't &e long &efore the $op are on your doortep
with a earch warrant.
With cah you'll want to eal it in an airtight &ag. 'lthough if you'%e got enough time you'll
want to &rea( the money from &ill into coinage.
You don't want to try and con%ert the money &ac( into coinage at a &an( o the &et
alternati%e i to ue a machine which accept the Dollar &ill and gi%e you the ame amount
&ac( in coinage. 4ften the dollar1pound &ill inide the machine won't &e changed for
e%eral day at leat and then there i a chance that erial num&er will &e held in a data&ae
and matched although it tand a only a chance.
That won't &e a pro&lem &ecaue you would ha%e come to the machine, diguied and
a%oiding $$T*, ha%ing caed the place well in ad%ance of any crime actually &eing
Thee aforementioned machine can &e found in a %ariety of different locale. )'%e found
9owling alley and upermar(et eem to ha%e a fair hare of them. 4n top of that mallih
caino dealing in lot machine and the li(e are loaded with them &ut often they contain
more $$T* camera than your a%erage &owling alley and Wally World put together.
'nother thing regarding the laundering of the money and upermar(et i that a lot of thee
Wal<7art type tore ha%e introduced 'er%e yourelf' till where you can the good and pay
for them. The ad%antage for thi o%er a change machine i the fact it won't go immediately
&ac( to the &an( and if it doe it will either ta(e immene amount of time to trace it, or it
will &e impoi&le.
+ither way it won't matter &ecaue you'%e come in a uita&le diguie that pre%ent you from
&eing identified.
0ow with !0K if it' all in ten you'll ha%e around !000 note. That' e%eral Kilogram and
an awful lot of paper. #o much paper that it would &e almot impoi&le to try and con%ert
that much money into coinage. $onidering it' practically impoi&le for !0K imagine J0K,
in ten or e%en !00K in hundred.
4ne idea for !0( that occurred to me wa &eing a&le to ue ,*$ piping to cache the money.
)t in%ol%e cutting the ,*$ piping into numerou ection and capping all of the ection,
prefera&ly with the ,*$ cap that hardware tore alo ell. 4nce contructed externally it
loo( rather li(e your tereotypical KBwl p"pB N0mNz.
09 5 The ,*$ pipe container hould loo( omething li(e thi. )t' a ,ipe 9om& without a
fue. )mage credit go to the Wi(imedia $ommon.
The ad%antage of uing a ,*$ pipe a container are<
They're perfect for toring money in note format and can &e ued for toring coinage
They're light, weight wie.
They aren't metal, o any attempt to find the loot uing a metal detector would &e
' well a the a&o%e it' an eay 4T$ way of tahing the money, not to mention it' pretty
damn cheap.
HINTD 4ne might want to &e careful purchaing ,*$ piping and cap. What with all the
media attention pipe &om& ha%e &een getting ince the 'tlanta 4lympic attac( and then
more o after $olum&ine it ha the potential to et alarm &ell off in any #occer<7om type
hardware tore wor(er.
+%en o, it' &etter than pending UB01R20 or o on a afe a an alternati%e and getting it
conficated, along with your loot when the piggie how up.
' a way of rot pre%ention the ame &ag that Dope muggler ue to ma(e ure niffer dog
and mot importantly cop, don't catch onto the cent S'lo (nown a #mell<proof &agT
ought to &e utilied.
They can &e &ought on +D)T.
With one of thoe &ag you can fit hundred of note a well a a lot of coin and till get it
into the pipe. )n theory you could reduce the num&er of torage pipe re?uired to a handful.
You may not want to place coin in the pipe S)n fact ) would ad%ie not doing o.T due to
the fact it ma(e the $op >o& eaier, hould they &e uing metal detector and a random
anora( might alo get a hit, dig the pipe up and profit from your hard wor(.
#o, )'%e got all the money &atched, &agged and piped. What do ) do now=
Well o&%iouly they need to &e &uried, which e%en then preent e%eral pro&lem.
)deal &urial location are &ecoming difficult to find, particularly here in the OK. )n the O#
it' le of a pro&lem and in the land of the $anuc( it' &arely a pro&lem at all.
There' alway the tahing in the garden tric(. .owe%er that i flawed. )f the $op end you
down your family will pro&a&ly ha%e to mo%e. )f they don't mo%e then you may &e forced
into a poition where you ha%e to tell your own a&out where the money i tahed. )
wouldn't &e urpried to find a wee( after you'%e told the wife where the money i you get a
letter regarding di%orce from the 9ahama;
'lo in the proce of trahing your houe they might ha%e a loo( at your garden and notice
odd &it of oil and recently dug area. 'ny cop with one &rain cell will in%etigate. They'll
dig it up, get the money and you.
)t' one thing if they get you, &ut not the money S't leat you ha%e money on the outide.T or
if they get the money and not you. S't leat you'%e got your li&ertie intact. ' well a that
the pipe .'# to &e wiped down a a precautionary meaure, for o&%iou reaon.T
0ow let go &ac( to the cae tudy.
4ther failing were the fact that they &uried it in a marh and metre from a road a well a a
teel wor(. What' going to happen when it need to expand= 4r may&e a &etter ?uetion
would &e where' it going to expand into=
.owe%er there wa a ucce tory amongt thi tory S'nd fran(ly another moral that need
to &e ta(en home.T.
) ?uote one of the cop here.
V)t wa right where they aid it would &e,V
7emory i a (ey factor in &urial and caching of o&>ect, regardle of whether it &e money,
weapon or drug. You can't &ury omething and expect to retrie%e it only ha%ing a rough
idea of where it i. Where%er you &ury it ta(e photograph of e%erything around the area
from e%ery angle, remem&ering to clear them from the camera after ha%ing uploaded them
and emailed them to numerou email account a well a uploading them to a pri%ate
account on a we&ite li(e ,hoto&uc(et or upload it to your email account a an encrypted
/'/ archi%e.
Ta(ing picture when &urying thing in meadow and woodland i important due to the
peed at which area li(e that change. ) once hid a tolen fire axe in woodland, &urying it a
few inche down in the oil near a &uh. '&out a year later when ) felt it would &e afe to
retrie%e it ) headed up to the woodland only to find &ecaue the &uhe near&y had retreated
and grown o much ) couldn't actually find my axe. ) e%entually found it after e%eral wee(
of digging around, &ut it' an important leon.
When it come to the cae tudy you ha%e to wonder why the croo( remem&ered where
they'd hidden it. 7ay&e they remem&ered what a retarded locale it wa. ) don't (now.
)f you're going to &ury it in woodland another thing )'d ad%ie againt doing i &urying it in
woodland near area which people are acti%ely encouraged to ue in term of leiure
puruit. ' well a that &efore &urial you hould monitor whether children and particularly
teenager are uing the wood for tuff li(e &i(ing. ) aw a &unch of (id dig a hole that
loo(ed a if a K6 charge of '0 had &een placed two metre down and then detonated.
'nd thi wa totally random, in wood which anyone who wanted to &ury money and that
li%ed near &y would ha%e almot certainly utilied.
/ecap Time
You ha%e e%eral thouand note. 4%er time you need to &rea( the note down into coinage.
You can then do what you want with coinage ince it' almot impoi&le to trace. -or &urial
note mut go in a mell proof &ag. ' large #,9 can fit a huge num&er of note and &eing
priced at >ut o%er a pound each and only a few dollar in the tate it ma(e for an ideal
purchae. The #,9 can then go in the aforementioned ealed ,*$ container which i &uried
at a place you can record &y uing a camera. 9efore &urial the ,*$ container i wiped down
in order to pre%ent forenic from placing a name to the thief.
Nota Bene 5 #omeone on the /orta forum a(ed a&out thi. 4ffhore account a a way of
laundering the money. #ee $riminal /ule Q"N. 0e%er in%et the cah in a &an(. 'n offhore
&an( i a le ri(y option &ut in the tate if it' a federal crime you'%e committed and it'
federal money you'%e tolen who' going to ay the -ed6o% won't try and ta(e it &ac(= 0ot
to mention if the ,or( were to find out you had ued an offhore account it' more e%idence
for your proecution.
As well as everything above in order for best results with the Smell-Proof-Bags all the
air will be needed to be removed to create a vacuum.
ou can also buy clothes storage bags called !acPac"s#
-irearm are crucial to the integrity of a nation and the defence of the &oth the law a&iding
citizen and their right.
' 0iccolo 7achia%elli, author of 'The ,rince' once aid <
V-or among other e%il caued &y &eing diarmed, it render you contempti&leE which i one
of thoe digraceful thing which a prince mut guard againt.V
-irearm are alo eential weapon of the criminal, due to the fact that the mere ound of a
gun &eing coc(ed anywhere near mot normal people i enough to care them hitle and
the ight of a gun will intill fear intantly. The ur%i%alit alo need acce to hi tool of
ur%i%al uch a the firearm.
#o in order to enure ucce for the criminal and the ur%i%alit the weapon mut &e
They mut alo &e a&le to conceal their weapon and ha%e acce to them at all time. '
uch a dometic en%ironment in't alway the eaiet in which to ha%e a gun &elonging to a
criminal in.
)n term of a criminal proecutionE perhap for a hooting murder what will the mot
important piece of e%idence &e to the proecution. The firearm which you ha%e alleged to
ha%e ued. Without a firearm they lac( forenic a well a &allitic.
Ci(e money the firearm can &e damaged whilt &eing cached.
)f ) were &urying a firearm there would &e e%eral thing )'d do, and would u&e?uently
ugget the reader to do. )'%e alo drawn up ome guideline.
0e%er &ury the firearm with magazine or ammunition. )f omeone were to dig it up and
there wa a magazine and fi%e or ix round of ammunition they could ue it againt you or
if they ue it againt omeone ele it could come &ac( to you.
De<aem&le the firearm, recording it the proce with a digital camera, and doing a with
the money &urial proce encrypt the %ideo and picture and upload them in multiple
' well a that detroy any #D card that would ha%e &een ued with the digital camera
when the photograph1%ideo were ta(en. )t' the only way to &e afe.
SYou may alo want to re<aem&le the firearm too, filming that a well.T
)n criminal term < 0e%er &ury the firearm with1near or in the ame container a
acceorie to crime uch a money that wa tolen or clothe that were ued in the crime.
-airly elf explanatory really. ) accept that for ur%i%alit wanting to cache their weapon it
may &e different.
$onditions re%uired for success
#imilar to money the firearm need to &e (ept in a moiture proof en%ironment.
)t would &e &et to diaem&le the firearm &efore caching. S' mentioned a&o%e.T
9ury it deep, a well a in an area o%erloo(ed &y wal(er and near &uhe.8
9ury each part indi%idually, ta(ing care to oil each part &efore hand.
9aed on the order of firearm aem&ly each container hould &e la&eled in
accordance with the aem&ly order. )t'll ma(e putting the firearm &ac( together
much eaier.
8The firearm i not li(e cah, it i motly 7etal. That mean any 'nora( with a metal
detector S) &elie%e thi wa mentioned a&o%e.T could find the firearm whilt loo(ing for
coin and proceed to dig it up. Thi i alo the ame reaon for &urying the gun1 in eperate
Dometic #tahing
' a rule of the thum& one hould ne%er, unle under exceptional circumtance tore illicit
material on their own property. )f your drug, ammo and ill gotten cah are lying around or
tahed in draw you'%e failed already. Thi chapter i for thoe exceptional circumtance.
'&o%e i the image of a hole in the wall. SWuite literally ) might add.T 'n o&er%ation )'%e
made on my tra%el i the num&er of houe with thee eemingly paper thin wall. The
photo illutrate that. The hole wa caued &y me and a well placed, &ut not %ery hard (ic(
to the wall.
Opon dico%ering how wea( they are ) came up with an idea for long term torage of item
in a dometic en%ironment within the paper thin wall. You can &lame my unintentional
experimentation and remem&ering the firt chapter of the no%el 'The Turner Diarie' for thi
You'll need a utility (nife a well a omething to co%er up damage to the wall. #omething
li(e plater repair ought to do.
Otility (nife wie you'll want omething li(e a #tanley (nife with a trong &lade a oppoed
to thee crap &lade which can eaily nap.
". #elect area to remo%e from the wall.
!. Oing &lade lice away and remo%e the elected area.
B. ,lace deired item within the wall pace S'round J$7T
F. /eplace elected area and ecure it with ome form of colourle glue.
9ecaue of the width of the wall pace you'd pro&a&ly &e a&le to place a handgun within the
wall and certainly a (nife and a large ?uantity of illegal u&tance.
)n the tid&it ection )'%e included another, eaier method of getting a hole in the wall and
repairing it.
Dometic #tahing Diagram
Thee diagram are from the &oo( '.ow To .ide 'nything', &y ,aladin ,re.
+la&oration follow.
Diagram Q
". Diagram " how how item can &e hidden in ta&le1chair leg.
!. Diagram ! how how item can &e tahed in a oc(et &ox.
B. Diagram B how how a metal ecurity &ox can &e hidden &ehind a oc(et &ox.
F. Diagram F how how a door can &e modified o that item can &e tahed inide.
J. Diagram J diplay how wallpaper can &e ued to diguie a tahing place in a wall.
2. Diagram 2 how how draw can &e modified to ma(e a large hiding place.
+%idence Dipoal < $ontingency
Thi wa originally written a a eperate ,D-. 'la, )'%e decided to include it here.
'fter realiing that you'%e &een compromied &y C+'' SCaw +nforcement 'uthoritieT you
mut realie that a police raid i highly li(ely.
)n order to reduce the ri( of &eing actually charged with a crime one mut detroy e%idence
or any illegal or &orderline illegal material. There are many categorie that )'ll touch on, o
without further a due...
Drug K)ncluding ,araphernalia, plant, precuror +tc. L
.ard Dri%e
-irearm K'lo ammunition.L
$hemical K+xploi%e, aforementioned precuror, illegal chemical +tc.L
,irated, $opyright related material K9lan( di( +tc.L
The .ard Di( Dri%e
'nything that ha &een downloaded onto a .D cannot &e permanently deleted, in my
opinion. There ha%e &een numerou cae of data that had &een deleted for year which
computer forenic dug out from the midt' of people hard dri%e. 0ot to mention the %ery
oftware which i doing the reco%ering i impro%ing all the time.
The hard dri%e will pro%ide a picture of who you are. /anging from what muic you li(e, to
what we&ite you loo( at and e%en what porn you en>oy. When you're happily urfing away
on the )nternet the ?uetion that pro&a&ly doen't pop into mot people head i, GWhat if
omeone who i trying to con%ict me and want me in >ail wa to ee thi=H. +%erything
from your 6oogle earch hitory, to your fa%ourite we&ite and forum, to your tah of
amateur porn... 'll that information can paint a pretty naty picture of omeone. 'nd when
you'%e %iited G&N'()*)+&N' ,+)&-./0/0/////H and you'%e poted information on
illegal and &orderline illegal topic it' imperati%e that your hard dri%e doe not fall into the
wrong hand.
9efore all ele ) recommend that you go out and &uy another hard dri%e compati&le with
your ,$ etup and intall an operating ytem along with appropriate dri%er. Oe the dri%e
emi<regularly and fill it up with 'legitimate' file and internet hitory. The reaon for ha%ing
a econdary dri%e i that if you thin( you are going to &e raided you can replace your
primary dri%e KThe one that' normally in your ,$L with the econdary .D. We'll now loo(
at what to do with the primary .D.
/ealitically you ha%e e%eral option. 'lthough there' one )'m going to focu on. ,artition
your .D o that you'%e got a partition where an 4# can &e intalled. )ntall an 4# along
with True$rypt which i an encryption programme. Oing the other 4# encrypt e%erything
incriminating &efore formatting the partition you created. The econd tep i to &uy a
fireproof document &ox 'K' a 'firechet'.
)f you are certain that it i li(ely that you'll &e raided your &et &et would &e to &ury the &ox
containing the .D, pirated material and anything ele that can fit in there KDrug with
#mell<,roof &ag +tc.L. 9urying the &ox on your property eem to ha%e it &enefit
although chance are the C+ will loo( your property o%er thoroughly and it'll &e o&%iou if
you'%e &uried omething recently. )f you're &urying omething on ome&odie property
you'll ha%e to thin( a&out the chance of dico%ery and what happen if you're incarcerated.
See the Stash and $ache section for more info on stashing goods.
7ot people today er%ing time in correctional intitution are er%ing time for non<%iolent
drug related offence. )n other word drug are an all to eay way for you to end up &ehind
When the ,olice come (noc(ing no drug, paraphernalia or precuror hould &e on your
property. Whilt poeion of paraphernalia in mot countrie in't illegal it can &e ued
againt you in a court of law. 7any precuror aren't illegal too, &ut if police in the Onited
Kingdom are proecuting people &aed on them &eing in poeion of houehold #alt &aed
Weed<Killer they'll ure a hell nail your are for poeing chemical aociated with
7D7' and 7ethamphetamine ynthei.
)'%e tated in The $riminal /ule K/ule ML < (nd places to hde or)and store your tems
Never store illegal or borderline illegal items on your 1ro1erty. ) (now that finding
place to tore illegal and &orderline illegal material i difficult, once more ) alo (now that
it ine%ita&le that if you're regularly handling drug or imilar material, thee material will
come into contact with your property.
)f you'%e got $anna&i plant on your property and there i o much of a hint of a raid (ill
them or mo%e them. )f you ha%e to (ill them (eep anything you can al%age in mell proof
&ag a%aila&le from .ead #hop and the )nternet and tore them in your firechet you
&ought to (eep your .D in. That way at leat you'%e got a chance of getting ome money
&ac( in the form of producing .ah from what you'%e al%aged.
#pray the area around the plant with deodorant. 4&%iouly thi won't pre%ent dog from
niffing the dope &ut any run of the mill $op won't &e a&le to and if there' no Weed1,lant
there they'%e got little e%idence to go on ince unle they'%e got e%idence to pro%e the
niffer dog i correct they'll find it %ery hard to proecute.
'lo (eep all &ong on your property loc(ed up and hidden from %iew. $lean them regularly
to ma(e ure the $op can't ue mell a a way of determining whether it' &een regularly
ued to mo(e canna&i.
'll pipe whate%er they are for need to &e dipoed off to.
Nota Bene 5 ) don't recommend tahing item on your own property &ut if you ha%e to )'%e
included a ection on dometic tahing and caching.
,irated 7aterial
+%ery day we hear more and more a&out online piracy related con%iction.
/egardle of >ail time thee con%iction are %ery pricey. 4ne woman got ued R".3 7illion
for !F illegal download of ong. N0K per ong apparently.
'nd thi i >ut the &eginning. ) find it hard to &elie%e that if people can get e%idence of file
haring they won't try and proecute you for it.
' well a that you'%e got fine. 0ote what ) aid a&out .D', in the pre%iou part of the
Thi i one of the more 'fun' element of the ,D-, ince any&ody at home can carry thee
thing out. Thi i the part of the guide directed at michief and mayhem. Without further
ado, ) gi%e you /e%enge.
/e%enge in my mind i one of thoe thing which hould &e executed. )f people fuc( you
o%er, pi you off and gi%e you grief then you hould extract re%enge on them, with
preciion otherwie e%ery other chump will thin( they can fuc( you o%er, pi you off and
hara you and nothing will e%er come of it. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
,roperty Damage
Typically with people the mot preciou thing in life to them are poeion, their
propertie and people cloe to them. Therefore they hould &e the target of your re%enge.
,roperty and %ehicle damage in particular are pricey and you hould utilie them. 'n
aociate of mine cratched a 97W $on%erti&le &elonging to a nemei of hi o &adly it
cot UF00 to repair. $heap, eay and effecti%e re%enge. 'nother method for %ehicle damage )
came up with year ago, and it i worth noting thi wor( &etter with older car i to older
the door loc(. .ow are they going to dri%e when they can't get in= Thi can alo &e applied
to houe too. You don't need a oldering iron ince mot #older can melt under a
'nother method, and perhap tealthier method i to get a large flat<&laded crewdri%er and
damage the car loc(. #ome wanna&e<thief pun( did that to an aociate car SWhilt trying
to &rea( in; Duh;T and &uted the loc( and it wa a nightmare for him to ue hi car ince
he didn't ha%e the mean to ha%e it repaired.
,roperty wie there' a lot that can &e done.
9:+ can e%en &e ued a a method of re%enge;
)nitially analye the property. S/emem&er the $riminal /ule '$ae The ,lace'.T
Doe it ha%e a lawn=
Doe it ha%e a pond=
'ccei&le door=
'll of the a&o%e can &e damaged relati%ely eaily and they're expeni%e to repair too.
' fa%ourite one i to fuc( up the lawn. #alting S)'%e found uing water with alt get you
&et effect.T lawn with the intention of damaging them or writing tuff on the lawn wor(
well. 'lo for intant damage a $4! fire extinguiher can &e ued a well.
+la&orate 7ethod of /e%enge
)'%e alo &een contructing idea for more ela&orate plan of re%enge. #ure... Dealing with
glue, egg, fuc(ed up lawn and Toilet ,aper trewn tree may &e a pain in the are &ut not
a much a thi idea.
Thi re?uire acce to the %ictim computer, a good moti%e, &all and reource.
The plan i thi.
You place log, image and %ideo of an illegally pornographic nature on the %ictim
computer. 9y illegally pornographic nature you ought to get what )'m tal(ing a&out. 'nd
again, ) won't get myelf in trou&le &y telling you where to get the aid material from.
You gain acce to the unwitting %ictim ,$ and place pre%iouly prepared material in a
#u&<#ytem folder. ' new folder in #ytem B! mar(ed '$,' or omething to that effect will
gra& the attention of any $op earching the ,$.
' well a that you can print out the porno and lea%e it lying around tuffed at the &ac( of
drawer. .a%ing een the aftermath of minor drug raid ) can tell you the $op will almot
definitely find it if it' lying around.
You then call the ,ig and gi%e them the low down and watch the %ictim get carted off to
prion and en>oy life a a $heter8. 8S,rion lang for 0once1,aedo1#ex offender.T
You can change the plan and intall %irii on the ,$ a oppoed to illegal material. .a%ing
&een (eylogged &efore it' a pain in the are and if you really want to wrea( ha%oc with their
,$ without getting them &uted it' a great way to go.
'nother way of wrea(ing ha%oc i to ue a commercial app (nown a Team*iewer. )t can &e
downloaded from the ,irate 9ay. )t ue remote acce protocol and ena&le the uer to
connect to and u&e?uently control the computer it' connected to. )t' got a file tranfer
etting which allow you to tranfer file uch a %irii.
+arlier on ) mentioned 9:+ in term of re%enge.
9y uing 9:+ you can ro& people of their dearet poeion. 0ote what ) aid toward the
&eginning of the chapter.
#tealing thing uch a preciou photo a well a expeni%e item i a mut. 'lo remem&er
the application of detroying what you can't ue and poe yourelf. S9oth the 0azi' and
the /uian applied thi, except they were doing it on a &igger cale.T
)f you ee a huge ,lama T* that cot hundred and you (now you can't ha%e it mah it to
piece. That way your %ictim can't ha%e it either.
#ee other thing li(e X&ox B20', D*D player, computer and the li(e=
#mah them to piece too;
+%en though thi i petty re%enge there' till a lot of tactic to it, in term of ma(ing the
re%enge effecti%e, and whatnot.
'fter all what i the point of re%enge if you aren't ma(ing your enemy pay for hi heinou
crime and %iolation againt you.
,urther )eading
The &oo( of 6eorge .aydu(e.
4T/ )n The 'ge of The 6rid
-irtly what i 4T/=
4T/ tand for 4n The /un.
#econdly what i 'The 6rid'=
'The 6rid' i a networ( of ytem uch a $$T* networ( and data&ae that are controlled
&y the 6o%ernment and the ytem and can &e acceed &y er%ant of the ytem. )n thi
intance we'll mainly &e loo(ing at how the police acce the 6rid, howe%er a whole %ariety
of people and group acce it on a whole %ariety of different le%el.
) hold the &elief that you hould ne%er ha%e to run away. ) alo &elie%e that the crime hould
&e well planned and not a pare of the moment thing either, and that all li(ely cenario
hould &e ta(en into account.
'dmittedly life doen't go to plan and in mot intance it doen't go to plan exactly and a
that i o if you're either an amateur who &alance hi life of crime with a day >o&1normal
lifetyle KThum& Op;L or a pro who only li%e a life of crime K9oo;L it' relati%ely
ine%ita&le that at one tage or another you're going to ha%e to flee and perhap go on the run.
We'll loo( at the apect of &eing on the run and the factor in%ol%ed. We'll alo loo( at high
profile cae of people &eing on the run who either got away pectacularly, or imply failed
The factor we'll loo( at are accommodation, tranportation, gaining the upper hand in the
gi%en ituation a well a the ue of the )nternet and other thing.
When going 4T/ the criminal ha to accept e%eral thing.
-irtly the odd are tac(ed againt you. )t' you %eru a group of people with acce to
record and data&ae. They can call in other ,D' K,olice DepartmentL and it i highly
poi&le that if you a a fugiti%e are a top priority for them to nail they will do >ut a&out
anything to get you. That mean you ha%e to &e cautiou with people.
Trut no one; )f omeone ee your face on the Ten '4 $loc( new and you came into their
tore, tayed in their motel lat night and they ha%e a rough idea where you were headed and
you ha%e a U1R!0K reward attached to you any trut you had in that peron will rapidly
9e highly cautiou when near $$T* $amera; $ertain area are infeted with them. -or
example ga tation are filled with camera. You'%e alo got mall and hopping centre
co%ered in $$T* camera too;
The &et way of remaining undetected and not &eing pic(ed up i to either a%oid the place
infeted with camera K-or example chooing a pri%atied ga tation a oppoed to a
franchied tation where e%ery concei%a&le angle i recorded or a tore that ue a hitty
*$/ &aed ytem where a cat in't ditinguiha&le from a dog due to the poor ?uality.L or
to ue a diguie8.
Tra%el SWhilt 4T/T
The o&>ecti%e of going 4T/ i to get the fuc( out of where you're wanted, &e it a country,
tate, county or town.
Therefore you are going to need a method of tra%el. $ar, &u, air, &oat and on foot method
of tranportation all ha%e their diad%antage.
Cet' tart with the o&%iou. )f you're officially wanted KThe C+ &ody that want you ha
iued a tatement1&ulletin pu&licly iuing a warrant for your arret.L and you lea%e the
country ha%ing had your paport data recorded at either the airport or port it won't &e long
&efore omeone trawling data&ae come &ac( with a hit. They'll then tal( to )nterpol if it'
a out of country flight you'%e hopped on or tal( to local police in the tate1city you'%e flown
too, in regard to apprehenion and extradition. #o flying and tra%eling &y &oat generally
pea(ing aren't the &et of option, unle you plan on muggling yourelf out %ia &oat.
You'%e then got on foot tranportation which i fine &earing in mind the mot )'%e heard
omeone wal( in normal condition in a reaona&le amount of time wa a&out twenty mile,
which if you're in the O# may &e enough to get you out of county or out of tate &ut in the
OK regional police department will ha%e pro&a&ly iued a decription to officer or may
ha%e fed data to local conta&ularie.
When it come to the 9ue in the O#' you ha%e companie li(e 6reyhound 9ue that can
ta(e you from C' to #- or 7ega&u which can ta(e you from ay $hicago to 7emphi.
0aturally you need )D to &oard and to &oo( online K)n the form of a %alid $$1,ay,al 'cc.L,
naturally &oth can &e &ypaed howe%er when you're running you won't ha%e neither the
time nor reource to either forge an )D or get a $$ together KOnle of coure you do o
&eforehand, in which cae good for you.L. ,lu &ue are filled with $$T* camera in order
to 'pre%ent' %iolent crime, petty theft and what ha%e you o ee the point ) made a&out
a%oiding place infeted with $$T* camera.
0ow you'%e got car, which in comparion are the mot relia&le and &et. 0o one can refue
you entrance to a car, no one can record you getting into a car or what you do in a car o
they're conidera&ly &etter in many way. You can pic( a lot of %aria&le when it come to
car in term of peed and how they &lend into a gi%en en%ironment and they're >ut two
example of what can &e elected.
When it come to car you'll want to either wap car or witch plate on a emi<regular
&ai. )f you're going to go a&out remo%ing plate in the OK you'll want to remo%e plate
from a car of the ame ma(e and model a your. You'll alo want to ma(e ure you're ta(ing
it from a taxed and inured car. )f it' a newer car a )'%e found out there' a greater chance
that it i inured.
,olice on traffic patrol can run plate num&er through a data&ae which will tell them
whether the car i inured and taxed and other information a&out the car for example
whether it' &een in%ol%ed in any crime. K)e. Whether the plate ha%e &een remo%ed. K)f the
owner ha contacted the police.LL
)t i li(ely that you could &e pulled o%er o )'m including ome information a&out protocol
and procedure here. )f you ee a ,olice car trailing you and it loo( a if it could pull you
o%er thin( a&out what it could pull you o%er for. ) can guarantee the $op in the car will
pro&a&ly &e thin(ing exactly the ame thing.
What can ) pull thi Pohn Doe o%er for=
)n%alid inurance=
0ot taxed=
)f you are peeding low down immediately and for the other there' not much that can &e
done. When the $op &ehind you ma(e a geture for you to pull o%er and you conider
yourelf crewed if you top dri%e long enough o you can find a place to top.
'ttempt to pull o%er at an area where truc(er top and par( up, li(e a Cay 9y, for intance.
Do not lea%e the car or ma(e any hand geture. )f you conider yourelf fuc(ed ) would
ugget attempting to get the upper hand either &y lowing down and then peeding up >ut
a the officer in the car &ehind you low to a top. That way you ha%e the ad%antage.
Lets look at the situation here. In the US you're looking at 10+ Cop cars and a Chopper of some description. If it's a
news chopper it won't hae !LI" on#oard and won't hae people trained to track criminals on#oard. It can still go at a
high speed though. If you're #eing chased #y a police helicopter you #etter either hae a car that can top 1$0%&' and
keep it going consistently at that speed or a similar speed for (uite a while or a trick up your sliee that's going to
make it either ery hard for the chopper to track you or something that's either going to make it dangerous and
pointless for the chopper to track you.
Cop cars compared to a Chopper won't #e particularly difficult to lose. If you're running from a traffic stop physically
disa#le the Cop)s and get at least one in your car with you. *hat way you're one up on the Cops instantly. %ake it
clear that if they don't get off your tail they'll #e picking the #ody parts of their fellow officers off the motorway. +ith
any luck they might hang #ack and tell the Chopper to do the same. *hat way you can speed off and #efore long you
can dump the Cop ,I'd adise against killing the Cop for no good reason since you'll hae !eds and other &olice forces
looking for you.- and then later you can dump the car.
I'd recommend stealing a fast car and not using your own car since the Cops would hae a heads up on your name
which automatically increases the chances of you #eing arrested #y a huge percentage.
The a&o%e pot i from /orta and my comment on car chae. ) deem it omewhat rele%ant
and thu i included.
' far a ) am concerned >ut a&out the larget hazard to people 4T/ are .elicopter, or
imply $hopper. The reaon why $hopper are dangerou i they can aid ,olice in &oth
earch operation and alo in high peed car puruit. 'nyone 4T/ for long enough and i
carele or 'unfortunate' could well find themel%e in thi ituation.
)n high peed car puruit in the O# new &aed helicopter draft themel%e in often &efore
,olice helicopter can reach the een of the crime. 'nalying a tandard puruit we note the
in%ol%ement of a new helicopter which may later &e ucceeded &y a police helicopter and
e%eral car on the ground.
9eing &lunt trying to outrun a police helicopter i almot impoi&le. ' part of my reearch
conducted on high peed police puruit ) downloaded and watched a&out J0 epiode of
%ariou crime related how and watched a lot of police chae, u&e?uently.
) came up with the following.
'ttempting to out run a $hopper on foot i pointle. )t' &etter to gi%e yourelf up there and
then. )t ho%er a&o%e you and pro%ide your location to ground unit. )f it' a life and death
ituation )'d ta(e it down. )f not get in a car '#', or a pre%iouly uggeted gi%e yourelf
When dri%ing away from chopper you'll need a fat car. #peed and a contant peed at that
i the only way of getting away. ' $hopper can lat around 30 minute on fuel and it'll ue a
conidera&le amount of it' time getting to where you are and getting &ac( to &ae.
The &et tactic would &e to (eep the car at &ay, allowing for the aircraft tailing you to pull
away, then mo%ing off the road and out of the car.
#pi(e #trip1#top #tic(1$althrop
'nother method which the $op are uing to ta(e people down on the road are #pi(e
#trip. 'lo (nown a #tinger, #top #tic( a well a tire hredder thee are deployed &y
C+4' tanding on the ide of the road.
The #tinger are deployed &y &eing thrown out and then pulled &ac( again, the intention
&eing that they're thrown at the lat poi&le moment.
4ne techni?ue i to hit the C+4 operating the #top #tic(. 4f coure that would &e tupid
ince at leat one of the wheel on your car will come into contact with the tinger and you'll
add a murder charge to whate%er charge you were e%ading in the firt place.
'nother i when dri%ing down a dual carriage way dri%ing a far away from the hard
houlder a poi&le.
The (ey howe%er i to &eing a&le to ee when a tinger i going to &e ued on you. That way
you can dodge and a%oid it. When a car tire are ta(en out it generally ignal the
&eginning of the end ince the car ha to top.
The car topping mean you'll either ha%e to urrender, or tart fighting. +ither way, it in't
good, o it' &et to a%oid it altogether.
.ere i your tandard O# road. )'%e een e%eral %ideo of car chae along thi road and
imilar road in the ame tate. 'll in%ol%ed the ame thing. #top<#tic(.
The ame road i &elow except thi picture i ta(en through 6oogle #treet *iew.
0otice if you will the area ) ha%e &oxed in ,aint.
)f you loo( cloely you can ee a dar( o&>ect in the &oxed area. )t could &e a car.
)f you're in%ol%ed in a high peed puruit along thi road you'll o&%iouly need all eye on
the road a well a on the ide of the road ince that' where any officer attempting to ue a
#top #tic(1#tinger i going to &e.
)magine thi. The car in the picture, a dar( pic(up truc( i your car. 0ow tactically the &et
thing to do would &e to (eep uing the ame lane SThe right lane.T and watching out for the
tationary car ahead.
)f it i a $op trying to ting your tire thi will lure him into a fale ene of ecurity.
The $op will &e thin(ing that you're dum& and ha%e no idea what he i a&out to pull.
Wrong. ' oon a you can confirm the car i a $op tart planning where to mo%e.
Waiting until you are within econd of dri%ing pat the car i the &et time to a%oid them,
ince neither the people in front, nor &ehind no what you're going to do. 'lo the $op with
the tinger can't mo%e into the road to intercept you.
Where to tay when 4T/=
Thi ection wa originally intended to &e part of the tra%el ection, &ut ) thought it wa
important enough to warrant it own u&<chapter.
)n term of cot motel or alternately 9:9' S9ed and 9rea(fatT are cheap to tay in and
you can pay &y the day, o you can lea%e on a whim.
There wa a cae in !00N1!003 where a guy in the O# crahed a plan and fa(ed hi own
death. .e tayed at a motel and &ecaue the owner aw the %ehicle he wa uing he wa
found &y authoritie. )n order to pre%ent thi from happening to you ) would ugget that if
4T/ and taying omewhere uch a a motel you par( the car out of town &ut omewhere
with eay acce and that can &e acceed in a ecluded manner. 'lo you may want to par(
it omewhere which won't attract attention from petty thie%e or noy local.
You mut not ue the &athroom, lea%e any forenic or lea%e anything &ehind whilt taying
in a hotel1motel19:9. 0ot uing the toilet tie in with forenic, whilt lea%ing thing
&ehind may help the ame people trying to catch you. Oe glo%e or other mean of fa(ing
your print. 'nother way of talling the C+' would &e to collect a urine ample from a
pu&lic toilet and place it in the 9:9 toilet intead.
)'%e alo thought lea%ing a tip along with a fa(e &uine card too. The tip er%e a
pychological purpoe. Whilt R!0 may &e nothing in comparion to R!0,000 SThe reward
on your head.T it may mean that if the people who' motel, 9:9 or hotel you'%e &een li%ing
in pot you on the new they may &e le li(ely to call the cop if they upect you &eing the
felon on the #ix' 4 $loc( new ince the chance are you aren't and hell you ga%e them a fat
tip, too.
)'%e alo thought that taying in your car or perhap a tent might &e a %ia&le option. )n my
opinion motel, hotel and the li(e are to ri(y, plu can &e expeni%e to.
' few year &ac( ) &ought a urplu tent from a urplu tore which had &een ued &y the
9ritih military for U"0. )t' o cheap it' %irtually dipoa&le.
Oing the '0et whilt 4T/
)f you ha%e a hea%y preence on the )nternet &efore going 4T/ and the $op find out a&out
it, that could &e your downfall.
)nitially ) ugget you read the .D ection of the $ontingency chapter &ac( to front. )f you
can't &ury or tah your .D detroy it. )t' the only way to ma(e ure the $op can't ee
what you'%e &een up to.
'gain when 4T/ all peronal email account you had &eforehand are to &e a&andoned.
Wipe e%ery email account and if you can ha%e it deleted.
When acceing the internet whilt 4T/ do o following the guideline &elow.
$reate a /'7 dri%e on the ,$ you are uing.
$lic( here to find out more a&out creating a /'7 dri%e.
The ad%antage of creating a /'7 dri%e i that once the ,$ i turned off e%erything in the
/'7 dri%e i gone. #o intalling omething li(e an )nternet 9rower in the /'7 dri%e
would ma(e a great deal of ene ince the moment you turn off e%erything that could
poi&ly &e incriminating i detroyed.
Oe a proxy.
)t' ort of o&%iou why it might &e neceary.
-or more information on proxy er%er clic( here.
-or a lit of we& &aed proxy er%er clic( here
To %iit the home of Tor and the 4nion networ( clic( here.
Keep a low profile.

-ire i a mightier weapon than &ullet.
Ta(e mot hooting pree for example. What, ten, twenty people (illed at the mot in the
ma>ority of intance.
Ta(e the recent 'la&ama hooting pree 5 Ten dead, ta(e @The .appy Cand -ireA, for
example. NM dead, granted due to inade?uate afety code &ut for a mall fire on a tairwell
thatA a lot dead.
)n 7inneapoli in the early ninetie an incident in%ol%ing only a handful of fire&om& (illed
fi%e people. )n another incident in 6al%eton, Texa a man with a can of 6aoline threw it
around a con%enience tore. -i%e dead.
CetA loo( at tatitic. 'ron i the leading caue of fire in the O#'. 7ot aronit are
under the age of "N, o if youAre under the age of "N and you commit an aron youAre more
li(ely to get caught ince you fit the typical profile.
#mo(e (ill more than fire, people cho(e and uffocate on it. Ta(e 31"" for exampleE the
people on the top floor of the WT$ couldnAt &reathe. #o much o that they felt >umping out
of the window wa &etter than uffocating. With modern day window that canAt &e
mahed eaily all it ta(e i a (ey to loc( them and (ill an entire room of people.
0aturally aron come with a great deal of con. Put from loo(ing at the pattern of &urn in
the area the fire tarted in the fire in%etigator can eta&lih whether an accelerant, uch a
gaoline wa ued to ignite the fire.
4nce they realie theyA%e got a cae of aron on their hand theyAll &egin to loo( for people
with a moti%e and people who are capa&le of aron. TheyAll then trawl through hour of
local le%el $$T* and theyAll pro&a&ly pic( you up.
7ot modern day &uilding ha%e deignated fire exit, prin(ler and complex alarm
ytem. ' matter of day ago ) noticed the complexity of the ytem and control panel that
handle the fire alarm.
YouAll ha%e to cut them off in ad%ance, &ut not too far in ad%ance, ince you donAt want a
routine fire alarm tet to pic( up the fact they arenAt wor(ing, do you=
YouAll alo ha%e to dia&le the prin(ler ytem too.
) wouldn't get any thought a&out draining the Water upply if you can and perhap e%en
replacing the Water with gaoline or omething ele thatA highly flamma&le. Thi may not
wor( &ecaue the prin(ler tend to &e reliant on main water, if you want to dia&le the
prin(ler ytem, e%er the main pipe and place a large &uc(et underneath.
)f the fire i preading you donAt want Water from the maintenance room flooding and
putting the fire out or aiding the people that you are intentionally trying to (ill.
'ccelerant and mean of )gnition
)mpro%ied 0apalm.
The general conenu i that the &et form of impro%ied 0apalm i a &lend of
'cetone and #tyrofoam. 7any people ha%e uggeted adding ,araffin1Keroene to
the compoition.
'cetone can &e &ought in hop a '0ail *arnih /emo%er' howe%er the li?uid need to &e
ditilled. #tyrofoam i eay to get whilt ,araffin i old in li?uid form a 'White #pirit' and
mot fire lighter are alo made from ,araffin.
6aoline1,etrol i &y far the mot common accelerant ued in aron'. Therefore it i
to &e a%oided li(e the plague. Why= 9ecaue it' the mot ued accelerant the fire
in%etigator will eaily &e a&le to identify it preence.
)f you are going to ue 6aoline ma(e ure you do a good >o& &uying it. -ollow 'The
$riminal /ule' when purchaing it.
)t' alo worth mentioning that gaoline i the fatet &urning li?uid and &urn a lot fater
than the aforementioned )mpro%ied 0apalm.
7oloto% $oc(tail
7oloto% $oc(tail ha%e &een ued a a mean of tarting fire ince World War )).
The -in' were the firt to ue them, naming them 7oloto%' after /uian miniter
7oloto% during the Winter War. ' 7oloto% $oc(tail i %ery imply a &ottle1container
of ome ort which hold a flamma&le li?uid S7ot commonly gaoline.T which alo
contain a rag. )nitially the rag i ignited and the container i thrown. The container
&rea( open pilling the li?uid and the rag ignite the li?uid.
4&%iouly due to their popularity 7oloto%' ha%e &ecome eaier to &uild and people ha%e
recommended changing %ariou element of the coc(tail in order to increae the fire&all and
fire afterward.
4ne of thee people ad%ocating traying from the initial implitic deign of the coc(tail i
/agnar 9enon.
Thi i a picture that ) too( traight out of hi &oo( GDa%id' Tool KitD ' $itizen' 6uide to
Ta(ing 4ut 9ig 9rother' .ea%y WeaponH.
.e recommend uing #tyrofoam cu&e mixed with gaoline for maximum effect in hi
7oloto% which i pictured a&o%e.
.i 7oloto% i already at an ad%antage due to the tic( which allow him to throw it much
further, and a &etter idea for the filling ought &e the ')mpro%ied 0apalm' compoition.
7oloto%' are highly ueful for creating large fire and fantatic impro%ied weapon on the
whole. ' &aic gaoline 7oloto% can &e contructed in minute and the component can &e
carried around without attracting attention. )t can alo &e aem&led cloe to where you
intend to ue the 7oloto% in little time.
'gain, if you plan to commit and aron and get away with it you may not want to ue a
7oloto% $oc(tail due to the fact it lea%e large &urn mar( SCi(e mot accelerant.T and any
fire in%etigator will immediately &e a&le to eta&lih the fire wa not accidental.
,lacing metal in a microwa%e ha the potential to not only trah the microwa%e &ut alo
create a large fire.
Thi chapter i different from the chapter a&out going 4T/ in e%eral different way.
Thi mainly focue on ecaping from $op a oppoed to e%ading authoritie in the long
' well a $op it alo loo( at e%aion from dog.
The &elow article wa not written &y me. )t wa pu&lihed in ')n $om&at', a periodical
pu&lihed &y 7arhall $a%endih in the early ninetie. The information &elow ) ought to &e
read &y anyone planning to come into contact with dog. Whilt ome of the information
preented &elow might &e deemed incorrect &y ome it i worth adhering to the ad%ice
+%ery &reath you ta(e, e%ery mo%e you ma(e, a dog can detect it. ,erhap a much a a mile
away under the right condition. 'nd an attac( dog, trained to ilence, can &e on you
literally &efore you (now itE tra%eling at "J metre per econd and weighing up to FJ
Kilogram, it i a lethal a any &ullet. What can a man wor(ing &ehind enemy line do to
protect himelf againt thee (iller=
Dog of war are trained to do pecific >o&. 6uard and attac( dog are trained to detect,
engage and, in ome cae, to a%age intruder or e%ader either under the command of a
handler or running free.
#earch dog area dept at pic(ing up and finding air&orne cent and are allowed to run free,
going o%er an area of ground yard &y yard. Trac(er dog on the other hand run on a long
leah with a handler. 6round cent are the trac(er pecialty. #earch and trac(er dog lead
their handler to their target, &ut do not uually aault the fugiti%e lea%ing that to the attac(
dog, handler or their com&at &ac(up.
Ci(e mot mammal except man, dog ha%e %ery poor eyeight. They don't ee colour at
all, only hade of grey, and then not clearly. They can ee you mo%ing, of coure, and thi
i %ery li(ely to attract their attention. 9ecaue their eye are low down to the ground,
they're ?uic( to ee mo%ement a&o%e the (yline.
)f a dog eyeight i only half a good a man, it' range of hearing i twice a good. .ow
far away they can hear you i affected &y weather condition, epecially wind and rain. )f
the wind i &lowing away from you and toward the dog, he' a lot more li(ely to hear you.
/ain create a &ac(ground noie and ma(e indi%idual ound much more difficult to pic(
out. #o ta(e ad%antage of rain to get on the mo%e.
)t' not >ut that the dog can hear you a long way off, he can alo hear ound that man can't.
.igh pitched ?uea( and whitle that you don't (now exit are part of a dog e%eryday
life. #o tape looe piece of e?uipment to top them catching. Thin( a&out the way you ue
radio and other piece of hardware. ' clin( of coo(ing utenil, a match &eing truc(, e%en
the ound of the flame when you're coo(ing your meal can gi%e your poition away to a well
trained dog.
)n fact, if you were coo(ing a meal the chance are that he would mell you firt < from
anything up to a couple of mile away under the right condition; 9ecaue while a dog
hearing i a lot (eener than our hi mell i many thouand of time &etter.
The tronget human &ody odour come from the weat gland, epecially under the arm.
7o%ing ?uic(ly, particularly when carrying a hea%y load and wearing too many clothe
ma(e you weat hea%ily.
#o doe &eing tene, ner%ou or frightened. +ating %ariou type of trongly fla%oured food
ma(e it wore a doe not wahing regularly.
+ngaging Dog
6uard dog and attac( dog either operate with a handler or are left to run free in a confined
area. ' dog that i running free in a compound may not e%en recognie hi handler &ut will
attac( a&oloutely anyone who come into hi territory. 9ut whether the dog i on a leah or
running free, it training i deigned to do >ut one thing. $atch anyone who in't meant to
&e there.
You do ha%e one light ad%antage when dealing with a guard dog < he' fixed in one place
more or le.
". 'lway approach from down wind.
!. Ta(e it lowly and eaily to minimie exertion, and there&y cut down on the melly weat
you ecrete.
B. Keep a low a poi&le and ue natural feature of the ground. Wind<&orne cent doen't
?uite tra%el in traight line, &ut any natural o&tacle will help.
F. 'pproach along path ued &y other people.
J. When you get within !00 hundred metre of the o&>ecti%e don't top for anything.
2. )f you're dealing with a dog guarding a &uilding try to get a&o%e the ground floor if you
canE dog ha%e difficulty in detecting anything a&o%e their head.
M. )f you find yourelf cloe to a dog and handler unexpectedly, (eep till. 6uard ha%e &een
(nown to pa within "0 metre of an intruder who' (eeping perfectly till without
detecting him.
#acrificial Defence
)f you can't e%ade the dog, you ha%e to immo&ilie him. 'nd you can't do that effecti%ely
until the dog i within attac( range. You ha%e to let the dog &ite you. Wrap protection round
the forearm of the hand you don't ue. 'rrange it in three layer. ' oft one on the inide a
paddingE a hard one next to top the dog teeth penetratingE and latly another oft layer to
gi%e the dog omething to get hi teeth into.
Don't dicourage the dog from attac(ing you, &ut ma(e ure he ta(e the offered targetE he
will &e more difficult to deal with the econd time. When he' un( hi teeth into the
padding he' within reach, and you can deal with him.
,rotecting one forearm with layer of padding.
'llow the dog to &ite your protected arm. )f you're till tanding you can clu& the animal.
)f the dog leap on you, roll o%er with him and (eep hi &ody tight to your. Wor( your way
around onto the top and &ac( of the dog to immo&ilie him.
+%ading Trac(er Dog
Cying Op
)f you ha%e to pend any length of time in a a lying<up poition alway o&ey thee imple
rule, e%en if you ha%e no proof that a earch dog i operating.
". Keep a cloe to the ground a poi&le.
!. ,ut mot of your clothing o%er you, o that the ground a&or& your cent rather than
letting it out into the open air.
B. 9reath down into the ground or at leat (eep into %egetation.
F. Keep a till a poi&le.
J. 9ury ru&&ih where you are lying.
2. Don't mo(e and don't light fire.
M. )f you're dico%ered &y anyone mo%e away a fat a poi&le.
Oe all the normal phyical camouflage tric( to &lend into the en%ironment, plu a few that
are deigned to throw the dog off cent.
". Tra%el o%er ground already ued &y other people and1or animal. Thi ma(e the dog
wor( much harder to (eep on your trac(.
!. )f you're tra%elling a part of a group, plit up from time to time. Dou&le &ac( on yourelf.
Cea%e a fale trail where%er poi&le.
B. Oe tream and running water to confue the dog, &ut don't try to wal( for too long in the
tream itelf, a it will low you down too much. )ntead cro the tream diagonally
dou&ling &ac( perhap two or three time o that the dog can't tell which one of your exit
trac( i the real one and which one aren't.
#ee diagram one &elow.
F. When you're preparing food pay cloe attention to the direction of the wind. You mut
&ury all wrapping and container, &ut remem&er too, to handle them a little a poi&le.
The mell of the food i one thing < your cent on the wrapper tell the dog it wa your
food. When you &ury the remain, don't touch the ground with your hand. Oe a metal tool
od ome ort. Whene%er you can, in( the ru&&ih into deep water. #ame goe for urine and
#ee diagram two and three, &elow.
Diagram B
Diagram !
Diagram "
Ditant $ontact
)f you're ighted from a ditance peed &ecome important.
". Try and tire the dog and handler team. )t will &e eaier to detroy thei confidence in one
another if they ma(e mita(e through tiredne.
!. )f you're part of a group then plit up traight away and arrange a rendez%ou for later.
B. 7a(e for hard ground. ' road or a roc(y urface ma(e and hold much le cent than a
oft one.
F. )f you are in wood country or cru& dou&le &ac( and change direction a often a you can.
J. The trac(er dog will &e on a long lead. )f you get him tangled up you can increae the
ditance &etween you and him and may&e &rea( off contact entirely.
$loe $ontact
)f the dog catche up with you you're in deep trou&le. 0ot o much from the dog ince he'
done hi >o& in finding you. 0ow you're in trou&le from the handler and whate%er com&at
&ac(<up he may ha%e a%aila&le.
". -orget the dog for the moment. You'll (now from the loo( of him whether he' a trac(er
or an attac( dog. )f he' a trac(er he pro&a&ly won't come near you.
!. 7o%e a fat a you can. 6et out of ight of the handler.
B. 6et rid of looe piece of clothing S+pecially food. The dog may &e ditracted &y it when
it come to loo(ing for you.T and any other piece of (it that aren't %ital to your miion or
your ur%i%al.
F. )f the dog tic( with you, you mut (ill or immo&ilie it.
$op are the criminal' arch<nemei.
9ecaue it' the $op >o& to trac( down criminal' and apprehend them for the crime that
they'%e commited.
The firt way of e%ading $op i to ha%e no contact with them at all. There hould &e no
need &aed on your appearance for the $op to want to apprehend you. 7ot people who get
pulled o%er, get pulled o%er for their &eha%ior or appearance whether it &e upiciou or
When you're &eing approached &y an officer of the law thin( why he might &e approaching
you. -ind an excue to explain your &eha%ior and don't loo( hifty. )n the mean time try and
thin( a&out the eae of ecape if you ha%e too.
) wa apprehended for criminal trepa one $hritma +%e. ) ran from the ,$#4 who
ordered me to pea( to her. ) ay ) ran, ) ran a&out J0 7etre and the ,ig chaed after me. )
got cared and topped. 7y aociate ran o fat and for o far there wa no way the pig
could ha%e got them. )f )'d done the ame ) wouldn't ha%e found myelf anwering aw(ward
The leon that can &e learnt i, 4nce you'%e tarted running, don't top.
#e%eral tactic )'%e ued and een ued are lited &elow.
When running, run a fat a you can to try and &uild up enough ditance &etween you and
the puruing officer.
When out of %iew of the puruing officer pic( head toward an area with lot of road and
path. )f you're fat enough, there' a chance the officer won't (now where you'%e gone.
.a%ing e%aded the officer1 lay low for a while. Don't regroup with aociate and try to get
out of the area a oon a i phyically poi&le.
)f you ee a patrol car and you thin( it' coming for you wal( lowly. Keep the car in your
%iew, and when the $op ha%e dri%en pat or top then you run. )f the $op in the patrol car
don't (now it' you, wal( round a corner or omewhere where they can't ee you &efore you
When &eing purued &y $op in a patrol car ue alley way to your ad%antage. 'lo when
the cop are parallel with you, dou&le &ac( on yourelf. )t mean they ha%e to re%ere or get
out of the car. 'n officer on foot i eaier to outrun than two in a patrol car.
.int for criminal in the !"#t $entury
0e%er ue the product that you're elling a you want to &e a&o%e the fiend that
you're elling it too.
Oing drug particularly whilt elling them allow you to &e open to exploitation
from certain group of people. )n order to a%oid &eing exploited one mut a%oid uing
drug whilt dealing.
Cuc( i on the ide of the prepared. Therefore &e prepared.
'%oid $$T* li(e the plague, unle you want to &e een.
9e cautiou of all method of communication, particularly cellular and any other
method which can &e directly intercepted.
#ee $riminal /ule Q!!
Don't do the crime unle you can do the time.
Onle the profit from the crime e?ual more than the money you'd gain on a
legitimate wage in the time you'd pend in >ail hould you &e caught, don't do the
Don't commit a crime you ha%en't thought a&out.
7ot crime fail &ecaue they are either pur of the moment crime or crime which
ha%en't &een thought up and a&out in a proper manner.
Thi type of piracy i not dicuing the piracy of Cong Pohn #il%er, it i dicuing what i
commonly (nown a piracy today. The theft and ditri&ution of intellectual property uch a
muic, film, %ideo game, oftware and pornography among other type of intellectual
property. 'n etimate carried out in !00B put the cot of piracy on the indutrie in the
Onited #tate alone a a little o%er R200 7il. O#D a year.
That' a lot of money not going into the economy and that' a lot of people getting tuff for
free. You thin( that' a lot= -at forward fi%e year. )'m willing to &et the amount of people
pirating intellectual property ha not only dou&led, tripled or ?uadrupled. )'m willing to &et
the amount of people committing piracy ha pro&a&ly increaed &y o%er ix time, at leat.
!00B wa the year that the infamou ',irate 9ay' opened. #horty afterward the popularity
of the 6nutella 0etwor( &egan to expand and ?uic(ly it' programme, mot nota&ly
Cimewire hot to fame. Thi article i not on the tatitic, the ethic or the hitory, although
granted it will contain element of the latter and former KWhilt featuring u&tantially le
information on ethic.LE it i a&out how to commit ,iracy and e%erything that goe with it.
We can &rea( piracy into e%eral ection.
,!, and Warez, currently the mot common method of haring file illegally. ,!, tand
for ,eer To ,eer and eentially i >ut that. )t i one peron or a group of people pro%iding
data to one peron or a group of people.
Warez i effecti%ely omeone uploading a file to /apid #hare or a file hoting ite and then
ditri&uting lin(. Warez tend to generally &e muic &ut can often include mall mo%ie,
pornography, %ideo game, e9oo( and oftware. Due to the retriction in the T4# of ite
li(e /apid #hare, F#hared, 7egaOpload among other lin( won't often wor( o long and
there are other retriction too, uch a ize retriction. 7any hoting ite won't allow
anything in exce of "0079 to &e uploaded in which cae the file ha%e to &e plit into
/'/ %olume or people will upload file that are maller than "0079 which often retrict
oftware from &eing hared a popular programme li(e ,hoto#hop ta(e time in &eing
*ideo game are often plit into e%eral part and then extracted o that they form a whole
)#4 file. 'lo ite li(e /apid #hare and 7ega Opload do not allow themel%e to &e
earched in the way the pirateer would li(e them to &e. #ite li(e /apid Ci&rary and F7ega
Opload exit for that purpoe.
,iracy /eource
Thi i aimed at people who are either new to piracy or are ued to it &ut want to (now more a&out it and where to get
free goodie.
The Pirate Bay
3are4 ,orum
3are4 BB
Nattawat 3are4 ,orum
3are4 Scene
3are4 5obby
)a1id 5ibrary
)a1id Search
/eource )ndex
YTorrent 5 Widely regarded a the programme for downloading and handling Torrent file.
Demonoid 5 Widely regarded a the &et Torrent trac(er, aide from The ,irate 9ay. S/),.T
The ,irate 9ay ST,9T 5 4ne of the &et torrent trac(er. )t' till o( to ue &ut wa
purchaed &y a company wanting to ma(e it a commercial interet.
'll of the &elow are the name of repected Warez forum.
Warez -orum
Warez 99
0attawat Warez -orum
Warez #cene
Warez Co&&y
/apid Ci&rary 5 ' mean of earching file hoting ite /apid #hare, commonly ued to
ditri&ute Warez.
/apid #earch 5 ' a&o%e.
F7egaOpload 5 ' we&ite allowing the earch of file uploaded to the ite 7ega Opload.
-ile typically uploaded to /# and 7egaOpload include ,D-', film, muic, al&um and
pornography a well a ome oftware, too.
4ne mem&er ?uetioned why )#4 .unt wan't lited. Two word. ), and Cog. ET
' ,erfect 7urder
' Draft $hapter
)n order for one to get away with murder e%eral thing need to &e ta(en into conideration.
)n the Onited #tate of 'merica alone there were "2,3!3 accounted homicide. ' large
num&er of them will end with con%iction, whilt a large num&er will ne%er &e ol%ed.
.omicide con%iction num&er are difficult to meaure and account for ince people that
committed homicide in ay the e%entie and eightie may only now &e con%icted due to
&rea(through in forenic and what ha%e you.
There are e%eral (ey factor in%ol%ed in identifying the perpetrator' of a homicide.
The $rime #cene
<+%idence acertained at the crime cene which i not forenic.8
<'nyone with a grudge againt the miing or deceaed.
<'nyone who &enefit financially from the deceaed' paing.
8-or example a weapon which can &e lin(ed to you through non<forenic mean.
9ody Dipoal
)nitially )'m >ut going to clear ome myth, miconception a well a loo( at why thing
regarding &ody dipoal often done &y the murderer don't wor(.
<Thermite will not detroy &odie. ' much &etter alternati%e i to ue gaoline or another
accelerant to dipoe of the corpe.
<Put dumping the &ody omewhere remote and hoping that the &ody will decompoe i not
the way to do thing. )t' general loppine li(e that which will ha%e you &uted.
<#odium .ydroxide, (nown a Cye mixed with Water i what farmer ue to dipoe of
animal corpe. .ydrofluoric 'cid can alo &e ued for &ody dipoal. 9oth chemical can
&e rac(ed from la& or produced &y the reader. )n the 9i&liography1Tid&it ection )'%e
included detailed intruction on the production of #odium .ydroxide.
<When &urying a corpe clean1dipoe of all clothe that you were wearing at the time of the
&urial. $arry out the &urial in the night and par( your %ehicle well away from the area ued
for the &urial. 'lo clean the %ehicle wheel arche and wheel. Thi pre%ent oil1mud from
the area where the %ehicle wa par(ed &eing left on the %ehicle allowing you and the %ehicle
&eing lin(ed to the area in which the &ody wa &uried.
/andom Killing
/andom (illing are rarely e%er ol%ed.
Killing without moti%e and often with a e%ere lac( of e%idence are the hardet to ol%e. '
well a that they er%e a purpoe. The purpoe &eing to inflict terror amongt the mae and
a well a that it can &e ued to manipulate and play people off againt each other. SWith
)'%e compiled a handful of idea regarding random (illing.
7ethylated *od(a
Thi idea came to me when ) wa loo(ing at re%enge that could &e underta(en at a party
where people are hammered or in a place where your enemie or >ut random fol( hang out
and will pic( up an untouched &ottle of *od(a.
Thi in%ol%e pi(ing the %od(a with 7ethanol. ) won't go into detail in regard to o&taining
the 7ethanol howe%er 207l i enough to (ill. You'll o&%iouly want to mix it with the
%od(a and the ratio depending on how many people you want to (ill i down to you.
Death from 7ethanol i a &itch and affect the eye and alo caue the mot un&elie%a&le
-or more information read thi.
Killer $andy 7achine
Thi article will &e diplayed in it' finihed tate in the next
9i&liography, /eference and Tid&it
,roduction of #odium .ydroxide
) didn't write thi, ) found it on the we&.
)n thi article it refer to #odium .ydroxide a Cye. They're two different name for exactly
the ame chemical.
#tart a rain &arrel to catch oft water. Thi i a (ey tep. Depending upon how much lye you
want to leach, ma(e ure that you ha%e ! or B gallon of oft water &efore you proceed.
". -ind a local &rewer' upply houe and pic( up a wooden &arrel and a cor( a&out BV long.
You can ue a ca(<ized or wait<high &arrel.
!. Ta(e the &arrel home and drill a hole in it approx. !V a&o%e the &ottom. 7a(e ure that
the cor( will fit nugly into the hole.
B. -ind a place that the &arrel will &e unditur&ed. Cye i cautic. Ta(e the neceary
precaution. ,ut ome &ric( down and place the &arrel on top of them. The &ric( &ae
mut &e ta&le. )t raie the &arrel up o that you can eaily drain off the lye into a
container when it i ready. 6i%e yourelf room to wor(.
F. $o%er the &ottom of the &arrel with ome palm<ized clean roc( Se.g. ri%er roc(T. $o%er
the roc( with approximately 2V of traw Sthi can &e hay or graT. Thi will filter the
ahe and help your lye drain cleanly.
J. 6ather &ranche and1or log of oa(, ah, or fruitwood. /emem&er that the &et lye i
made from hardwood. '%oid pine, fir, and other e%ergreen.
2. 9urn it outide in a pile, or &etter yet, ue it in your fireplace or woodto%e.
M. #coop the ahe out and put them in the prepped &arrel. S7a(e ure that the ah i
completely cold, or you'll et your &arrel and anything around it on fire.T You can fill the
&arrel with ah, &ut it i not necearyE you can ma(e maller amount with le ah.
N. ,ut a pan under the hole and remo%e the cor(. ,our the oft water in until you ee it tart
to drain into the pan, then put the cor( &ac( in tightly. The water le%el hould &e a&out 2V
from the top. 'fter a day, the firt ah hould ettle and you can add more ah.
3. Cet it it for at leat B day. You can add ah all wee( and drain it regularly on a pecific
day of the wee(.
"0.$hec( to ee if your lye i ready. -or what purpoe are you leaching thi lye= 9ody oap
or hea%y cleaning= Cye concentration get tronger with each leaching. -or a%erage oap
ma(ing, you can ue thee meaureD Drop a fit<ized potato or a raw egg into the &arrel.
)f it float enough for a ?uarter<ize piece to rie a&o%e the water, it i ready. )f it doen't,
you need to add more ahe or drain all the water and re<leach it Spour it &ac( into the
ca( and let it et one more cycleT.
"".7a(e ure that you ha%e a wooden croc( or gla container to catch your lye when it'
ready. ,ut it under the tap, gently pull the cor(, and fill your container. Cea%e enough
head room o that they will &e afe and eay to pour. 7a(e ure that you ha%e tight,
fitting lid.
"!.#tore your lye in a cool dar( place until ue. SThe ooner the &etter.T
Do not tart thi pro>ect until you ha%e collected !<B gallon of rain water and ha%e
purchaed or ca%enged all of your upplie.
7a(e ure that your lye &arrel ha a ta&le foundation and i in a ecure place where
it cannot &e (noc(ed o%er &y, for example, ro%ing children.
)f you run a dehumidifier, it collected water i an alternati%e to rainwater.
You can alo ue electrically ditilled water. The purer the water, the more potaium
that can &e leached from the ahe. Do not ue &ottled pring water or water from the
tap; You can ue &ottled ditilled water that wa proceed uing team ditillation.
To dipoe of old, leached ahe, dig a hole away from e%erything and pour the muc(
into it. Don't co%er it until the ahe dry thoroughly.
Cye i a &ae, alo (nown a an al(ali. 9ae are cauticE they V&urnV anything that
they touch. ,leae ue common ene and follow the tip pro%ided.
Wear ru&&er glo%e and eye protection when draining off or handling your lye, it can
&urn your (in and &lind you;
-or all &ac(yard chemit, chemical<reitant glo%e Sthe yellow (itchen one will
doT, afety glae and arm and &ody co%ering are mandatory.
+ducate yourelf on poion treatment &efore you &egin ma(ing oap or &iodieel.
%iit K"L for appropriate action to ta(e if lyewater or lye crytal
pill on you, are accidentally wallowed, or get in your eye.
/un it under water. Do not try to treat the &urn with %inegar. The trong &ae can
caue e%ere &urn, and you may not feel the effect right away due to ner%e damage.
#o alway See next dotT
)n any emergency, call 3"" or your local poion control center' emergency num&er.
'c(nowledgement go to /orta.0et and it' mem&er.
The pirateer of the )nternet.
+%eryone who' offered help : upport.
The e%eral people pat and preent who'%e inpired me and thi piece of wor(.

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