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1. Match the sentences.

The baby is sleeping. Im here, Thimbo! Dont shout!

I dont know what to do! Lets be quick!
A a ah! !piders on the "loor! #e quiet!
$ooor%a&! 'here are you( #e calm! 'e can help you.
)h! The bus is coming! Dont scream! They are only toys.
2. Complete the sentences with something/anything/nothing/everything.
*. Is there ++++++++++++++++ in that bo&( , -o, there isnt ++++++++++++++++ in it.
.. /ou can put your clothes into this bag. Its empty. There is ++++++++++++++++ inside.
0. 'here is my new pencil( , Look in the pencilbo&! , There isnt +++++++++++++++ in it.
I can see ++++++++++++ under the table. Its your pencil! /ou should put ++++++++++++++ in
1. Is that bo& empty( , -o, it isnt. There is ++++++++++++++++ in it.
4. Ask questions to the following answers.
*. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
/es, they took #ob away.
.. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
/es, $or%a& lo%ed !yl%ia.
0. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-o, he didnt make many !y%ias.
1. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
/es, it was the computer.
-o, $or%a& didnt do anything.
3. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
/es, those !yl%ias hated $or%a&.
4. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
/es, we were here this morning.
5. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
/es, the clock was all right.
-o, they didnt see anything.
3. ive short an! full answers.
*. 'as $or%a& important once upon a time(
/es, he was. )nce upon a time he was important.
.. 'as #ob important(
0. Did #ob count the "lowers(
1. Did #ob and !yl%ia go away on a car(
2. Did they go "ar(
3. Did !yl%ia lo%e $or%a&(
4. 'as 7u88y in prison(
5. Did #ob and 7u88y get out o" the prison(
6. Did $or%a& want to marry !yl%ia(

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