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Introduction 3
Understanding the Language Philosophy 3

Language Courses 4

Support Services 7

Role of Library 8

Choosing a Language 8
Process of Language Change 9


Language Policy


One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.
Frank Smith
Understanding the Language Philosophy

At Pathways, Aravali we recognize that the acquisition of other languages and learning
about different cultures provides students with a multitude of opportunities to develop
international-mindedness through the attributes of the IB Learner Profile.
As a result of exposure to, and experience with these languages, students are
encouraged to develop intercultural awareness, new perspectives, a culture of curiosity,
as well as an appreciation of the richness of our worlds diversity which is inspired by
the school mission statement as well as IB mission statement.
Language learning is also vital for making Inter-disciplinary connections.
Since Language is central to learning, all teachers are, in practice, language teachers
with responsibilities in facilitating communication.
Language Policy is a working document and will be reviewed every year by the members
of School community.
Students receive instruction using an interactive approach to second language learning.
Teaching integrates the skill areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing and viewing.
In addition, emphasis on grammatical structures and vocabulary development,
especially in the upper grades, help students to develop the tools needed to become
effective communicators in our multilingual world.


As an example the International understanding, cultural awareness, and historical
knowledge are enhanced through the study of the customs, traditions, songs, poems,
and everyday life in Hindi, English, French and Spanish-speaking countries throughout
the world.
Language Courses

At Pathways World School, Aravali, the following languages are on offer:
Language and Literature
English and Hindi (The decision to offer Hindi as Language and Literature course rests
with school. There should be minimum of 24 students who opt for Hindi as Language
and Literature course for the school to be able to offer it.)
Some features:
The development of Language and Literature is crucial as it allows students to make
connections within and across subjects.
Compulsory component of MYP in every year.
High proficiency of language.
Balance of Language and Literature in MYP ( Language and Literature)
Academically rigorous and equips students with linguistic, analytical and communicative

Language Acquisition
PWS offers Hindi or Spanish or French as Language Acquisition course. Additionally, English is
also offered for students who have difficulties in English and are unable to do English as
Language and Literature Course.
Additionally students would receive extra lessons in English to support their development of
English Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking and visual skills.
Exiting English as Language Acquisition:
The student achieves 7/8 consistently in Phase 5 in Language Acquisition English course.


The student then successfully produces grade level appropriate written work and is
reviewed by Language and Literature teacher.
Regular monitoring for about 8 weeks after the exit is done and the student may be re-
admitted to Language Acquisition programme if faces challenges.
Some features:
Teaching and learning in Language B (Language Acquisition) is organized into six phases.
The phases represent a developmental continuum of additional language learning
(Language B-Language Acquisition)
The aim is to develop proficiency to be able to move from Language B (Language
Acquisition)to Language A (Language and Literature)

Language of Instruction
English is the Language of instruction at Pathways, Aravali. All communication and
subjects (except the Language Acquisition) are learnt in Language English.

Mother Tongue
At Pathways Aravali, we recognize that a strong level of knowledge and understanding in the
students mother tongue is vital to the students development of an additional language.
We seek native speakers of other languages in our community as needed. The school practices a
program wherein we sensitize childrens efforts to celebrate their Mother Tongue through a
variety of ways. For instance celebrating their festivals, special Menus, special assemblies,
inviting families, etc.
We understand that maintaining and developing language and literacy skills in the
mother tongue is important and helps in acquiring additive bilingualism.
Students get the opportunity of writing terms, definitions and notes in their own mother
language in the book of Glossary of various subjects.
On Form Days and other days of interaction with parents, they are encouraged to
maintain the mother tongue and facilitate bilingualism.


Students get the opportunity of learning their mother tongue in Language Acquisition
classes. ( English/French/Spanish/ Hindi)
Based on the language profile of the students, the school may arrange on-line tutoring
on mother language under the supervision of faculty.
Parents may also contribute to the strengthening of a mother language and school will
provide space and material required.
Language of the Host Country
The host country language at PWS, Aravali is Hindi and many students do it as the second
language too. In order to promote the language Hindi, Hindi Day is celebrated with great
fervour which includes various activities and assemblies to share language history and learnings
in the language. The school also celebrates International Mother Language Day to celebrate
diversity of languages.

Support Services

English Language Development Classes/ English Support- The purpose of the ES class is
to support and accelerate English language acquisition. Classes are taught in English by a
trained ES teacher, and the curriculum is designed specifically for English development.
Students are moved out of English Support into Language B (Language Acquisition) once
they have shown a high level of proficiency. Students are given extra support if they
continue to need ES after the advanced level.
Special Education Needs- Mother Tongue scaffolding to enhance the learning and
understanding of different concepts.
Each student receives a book of Glossary with the terms and definitions vital for various
subjects studied by them.
Special Education students have the opportunity of simplify and facilitate their learning
by writing them in their mother tongue.


Role of Library:

Library and media sources are embedded in the teaching programme.

The school has well stocked Library with books, encyclopedias and other web-linked and
technological resources that help promote language learning.

Each student contributes at least 3 books in their own languages to contribute the
school library.

Library also plays a vital role in sharing with students and parents the books available in
various languages on International Mother Language Day.

Reading Programme:

The school promotes reading books in various ways and has an enriching reading
programme for the students. The avid readers are awarded at the end of the Academic
year in the school assembly.

Choosing a Language
New inductions to school

English: At Pathways, students from various curricula seek admission. In order to
assess their level, students attempt placement papers in English and Math. Based on the
levels achieved, a student is recommended Language and Literature (English) or
Language Acquisition (English). Additionally, students who have difficulties in English
being the Language of institution will be given additional support in English.

Spanish, French and Hindi: At the time of admission, students will be able to opt for
either Spanish, French or Hindi as Language Acquisition. The Middle School usually
begins with Phase 1 in these languages in MYP I. There will be a short interview or
verbal / written assessment by the language teacher on day 1 to assess the phase.


Existing students

The existing students will be assessed at various intervals and recommendations of
phases will be done by the specific teachers.

Process of Language change:

New students: There will be an option for getting the experience of a language for a
week, based on which a student can make a choice.

Existing students: If the student or teacher feels the need for the change of Language
Acquisition in the middle of the academic journey in Middle School, the following
process should be followed:

Step 1 : Email from parent to Form Tutor, and Language Acquisition Teacher. In case the
recommendation is made by the concerned Language Acquisition teacher, the mail will
be sent to the parents and Form tutor after discussion with Subject Coordinator, MYP
Coordinator and Middle School Principal.
Step 2: Discussion between Language Acquisition teachers, subject Coordinator and
MYP Coordinator.
Step 3: If the reason is genuine, approval by Middle School Principal.
Step 4: Shifting to the preferred Language Acquisition, with information to the
concerned teachers.


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