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Candra Mecca Sufyana

Liquid Hot Magma.
What is a Volcano?

An opening in the
earths crust
through which lava
and gases erupt.
caritana gunung
When the hot melted rock is inside the volcano it is called magma.
Most magma doesn't reach the surface but heats large regions of
underground rock.
Thinned or fractured crust allows magma to rise to the surface as lava.
Lava is outside the earth and magma is inside
Lava can be
thick or thin.
Blocky lava
Pillow lava
What causes volcanoes ?
The Formation of Magma
Mantle rock melts when the
temperature increases
or the pressure decreases.

Volcano origin: Divergent boundary (plate separation),
Convergent boundary (mantle, remelted crust, subducted slab
material), and Hotspots (Oceanic, Continental)
What causes volcanoes ?
Tectonic Plate Boundaries

What causes volcanoes?
Where Volcanoes Form
Ring of Fire

~75% worlds active volcanoes in Ring of Fire
Different Types of Volcanoes

Shield Cone
Non-explosive eruption (lava comes out slowly), Gentle slopes,
Mainly at hot spots, low-angle cones because of the low viscosity
upon eruption. Example: Hawaii

Shield Cone Volcano
Explosive eruptions, Steep slope, Built from tephra, conical hill of
volcanic fragments that accumulate around and downwind from a
vent. Example: El Salvador
Cinder Cone Volcano
Repeated non-explosive and explosive eruptions, Built from
alternating layers of tephra and lava, Moderate slopes, Example:
Mt. St. Helens
Composite Volcanoes

Measuring Small Quakes
Before eruption, increase in number & intensity
Measuring Slope
Bulges may form with magma (tiltmeter)
Measuring Volcanic Gases
Outflow of volcanic gases
Sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide
Measuring Temperature from Orbit
Measure changes in temperature over time
How do volcanologists predict
How do volcanoes affect the Earth?
Flows and Fallouts
hot ash can flow really quickly
Knock down buildings
Dam rivers (flooding/drought)
Kill crops and livestock

Climatic Changes
Ash & Gases can block sunlight
Drop average global temperature


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