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Medco Energi International

Job Position: Electrician of Electric (Rimau Asset, Palembang)

Palembang, November 1t! "#1$
%ear &endra 'usuma (ard!ana
Re: )acanc* for Po+er Electrocit* Engineer
,!an- *ou for *our a..lication for t!e above .osition/
I +ould be grateful if *ou could attend an intervie+:
At Medco Energi International, Palembang
0n %ecember 1st "#1$
At 1#/## AM (I1
,!e intervie+ +ill be +it! Mr/ )are2 as a 3eneral Manager/ 4.on arrival at rece.tion .lease
as- for Mr/ )are2/ ,!e intervie+ is sc!eduled to last a..ro5imatel* one !our and +ill ta-e t!e
form of *our .esonalit*, motivation, and s-ills/
Please can *ou bring along t!e follo+ing documentation to t!e intervie+: 6ertificate and
Academic ,ranscri.t, 6urriculum )itae, 6o.* of Job ,raining 6ertificate, Recent .!otogra.!
+it! si2e of 758
Prior to t!e intervie+ +e +ill be contacting *our references as given on *our a..lication
form/ If *ou !ave stated t!at *ou do not +is! us to contact *our current em.lo*er, t!is
reference +ill not be ta-en u. unless *ou are successful at intervie+/
(e loo- for+ard to meeting *ou/
9ours sincerel*
Mr/ Nico
:&uman Resources %e.artment;

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