College Christian Curricula: "On The Importance of Becoming A Part of The Local Christian Community"

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College Christian Curricula

Week 1: Fellowship with the Body

On the importance of becoming a part of the local Christian community

1 Corinthians 12
Nehemiah 8:1-3
Hebrews 10:24-25

Discussion Points:
1. Fellowship with Christians is commanded by the Bible, so we need to take that
command seriously
a. What is fellowship?
2. What benefits does fellowship present to us?
a. What do you most desire from fellowship?
b. How should we enter into fellowship?
3. What does neglecting fellowship do to your spiritual life?
a. Is it neutral or outright negative?
b. Do you have every tool needed for a healthy Christian life?
4. I desire for Bible Study to be one form of fellowship during your life at Gonzaga
a. Meet weekly to go through group lessons on the Bible
b. What other ways would you like to incorporate it into your life?
5. What other forms of fellowship can you find while at college?

Challenge: If you are already a part of a local church, find a way to commit more fully to that
congregation, forming friendships with other attendees. If you are not a part of a local church,
ask for help finding one so you begin to assist the body of Christ in Spokane.

Prayer: Jesus thank You for bringing me into your family, please help me to learn to love that
family and joyfully participate in my given role.

Reading for Next Week:
1 Peter 1:13 2:12
Deuteronomy 7:6-11
Ephesians 2:10

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