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Week 3 Starter: Group Tutorial

- Make sure all homework is in class discuss and compare

work as a group.

- How successful are some Visual Journals and why?

- What makes some drawings more successful than others?
What do you look for in a drawing? How do you improve on
what youve done? Be art critics - analyse and discuss the
positive and weak points of each others work put
forward your opinion.

- Look carefully, criticise constructively.

- Make notes in your Visual Art Journal of others
Week 3 - Practical
- Finish your A1 Chuck Close inspired drawing today.
Lesson Objective

1. To realistically draw a portrait in pencil with values, tone
and correct proportions on A1 sized paper or bigger.
2. Show an understanding and awareness of the work
of Chuck Close. Understand how an artist gets ideas.
3. Use ruler skills in creating a grid - develop skills in
enlarging a composition using a grid. Study proportion.

Practise drawing a tonal self portrait using
dramatic lighting in pencil. Try holding the
pencil in the sideways hold and layering tones.
Turn off the overhead, main lights and use a
lamp/torch at a safe distance to create dramatic


Independent Study

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