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From : Internal Auditor Date: 30 May 2011

To : Secretary, Audit Committee Ref: 1A/A/

Re: !a"er# for ne$t Audit Committee
Please find enclosed the following papers to be taken up at the Audit Committee meeting
scheduled for the 3
of June 2011.
a. Minutes of the 9
Audit Committee meeting held on 27 January 2011
b. Revised Internal Audit Charter
. !ro"osals for restruturing of the Internal Audit #e"artment
d. $uarterly !lan for the "eriod A"ril 2011 % June 2011
e. Internal Audit Re"ort on Audit of !ayroll
f. Internal Audit Re"ort on Audit of !rourement and Contrating Ativities
g. &ummary of Audit observations and reommendations
Submitted for necessar action at our end! please.
V Ramkelawon
Internal Auditor

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