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Learning Experience 4: Learning about The Tasmanian Wilderness

Time: 60 minutes
Classroom organisation:
- floor to desk transition
- ICT set up prior the lesson commencing
- Two ipads to assist two students set aside

Curriculum links: Geographical Inquiry and Skills
Collecting, recording, evaluating and representing
Collect and record relevant geographical data and information, using
ethical protocols, from primary and secondary sources, for example,
people, maps, plans, photographs, satellite images, statistical sources
and reports (ACHGS041)
Lesson objectives: Viewing and Reading VR6
Use text-processing strategies when viewing and reading, including:
connecting to prior knowledge about the author and specific
learning area content
questioning, crosschecking and reviewing texts to identify point of
using literal and inferred information to draw conclusions about
significant concepts, arguments or descriptions
1) Students will be directed to the floor by the teacher. The Teacher will
ask revision questions on last weeks lesson on Fraser Island such as,
What did we learn last week?
Did we gain new information?
Did the text type of a fact sheet help us learn more?

1) The Teacher will now refer to the schedule explain that today we will be
looking at the Tasmanian Wilderness, and will begin reading page 22,
23. 26 and 27 of the focus text. Students will be asked multiple
questions throughout and after the reading. Students will now be
directed back to their seats.

What facts did we learn that we could add to our concept map under
the title The Tasmanian Wilderness?
What type of forest is the Tasmanian Wilderness?
What types of animals live in the Tasmanian Wilderness? Are any
becoming extinct?
What is important about the Tasmanian Wilderness habitat?

2) Ask a student to type in the concept map as the class is discussing the
facts we have just learnt. (The multimedia will already be set up for a
student to use, prior to the lesson). While these facts are being typed
up, students are instructed to fill out their booklets on the Tasmanian
Wilderness Concept Map page, while the discussion is occurring.
Students will now each be given a printed version of the Australian
Government fact sheet: http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/index.aspx?base=667
3) and are to highlight information they feel is relevant, when thinking
about the region as world heritage listed. Inform students that they are
to cut and paste into the booklet section Australian Government
Tasmanian Wilderness Fact sheet. Explain to students to keep in my
mind that if they chose to use this region as their letter choice, that it is
important to include as many facts as possible. They may also chose to
cut out the images, titles, facts figures etc.

4) Students are asked to turn to the page in their booklets titled Takrine
Rainforest Tasmania
Takrine rainforest - Tasmania, Australia:

- 1) Students are to watch and recall the information while taking notes
- 2) Once the video is finished students are to brainstorm in their seating
groups how the locals are affected
- 3) Students are to then in their groups create paragraphs using the
notes they have just taken

5) The Teacher will now go over this task as a discussion with all students
to ensure that if some students have missed a point they can add it in
their booklet now. The facts and example paragraph can be done up
on the board and students can copy into their booklet.
Assessment: Formative: Discussions, booklet, comprehension
questions and note taking Adjustments:

Student with ADHD
Child with English as 2
language These students will be given their
own ipad to watch the clip to allow
them to pause as much as they like.
This will ensure they are gaining as
much knowledge as possible, yet at
their own pace.
Five students with developmental delay
in literacy and mathematics

2 indigenous students 1 with a hearing

Gifted student
Student with English as 2
language -

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